Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 9. April 2012 / Time Line April 9, 2012

Version 3.0

8. April 2012, 10. April 2012

Den tyske militære besættelse af Danmark og Norge under anden verdenskrig starter, 1940.

UK banks and insurers blacklist cluster bomb manufacturers
Lloyds and Aviva among the major firms invoking 'stop lists' to purge cluster munitions companies from their share portfolios
by Severin Carrell, the Guardian
Four of Britain's biggest banks and insurance companies have blacklisted a dozen companies that manufacture cluster bombs and landmines, including two of the world's largest defence firms.
The Guardian has learned that major firms such as Lloyds Banking Group (through its investment arm Scottish Widows), Aviva, the UK's largest insurer, and the Co-op have imposed a blanket ban on holding shares in companies that make or supply cluster munitions, purging them from nearly all their share portfolios.
Royal Bank of Scotland has banned all new lending to the same companies, and is now reviewing its defence industry shareholdings. Similar action is being taken by all the firms to clear out shares in anti-personnel landmine manufacturers, following intense pressure from human rights campaigners.



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