
Fra Arabien eller hørende til i Arabien.
En arabist er nogen (ofte) udenfor den arabiske verden, der har specialiseret sig i studiet af arabiske sprog og arabisk kultur (herunder arabisk litteratur), eksempelvis.
Hans Wehr (1909-1981) var en tysk arabist, professor ved universitetet i Münster 1957-1974. Wehr offentliggjorde Arabisches Wörterbuch (1952), som senere blev offentliggjort i en engelsk udgave som A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, redigeret af J. Milton Cowan.
/ An Arabist is someone normally from outside the Arab World who specialises in the study of the Arabic language and culture (usually including Arabic literature), sample:
Hans Wehr (1909-1981) was a German Arabist, professor at the University of Münster from 1957-1974. Wehr published the Arabisches Wörterbuch (1952), which was later published in an English edition as A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, edited by J. Milton Cowan.
Arabisk talende lande i Mellemøsten og i Nordafrika omfatter:
Se også: Arabisk klima ; Den arabiske Liga ; Golfstaterne ; Islam ; mellemøstlige studier : orientalisme.
Se tillige: Det arabiske forår 2010-2011.


I Nørresundby sidder 200 mænd og kvinder bag pigtråd og laver teknologi, der kan overvåge et helt lands internettrafik: Det begyndte med en henvendelse fra dansk politi. Og endte med en milliardgevinst, en skattesag og leverancer til diktatorer. Her er historien om en virksomhed fra Nørresundby, der sælger NSA-lignende masseovervågning til Mellemøstens undertrykkende regimer. / : Lasse Skou Andersen, Sebastian Gjerding. I: Information, 23 juni 2017.

Arabic Linguistics Society Bibliography of Arabic Linguistics 1979-1994.
Arabic Linguistics Bibliography for the Year 2007 (with Abstracts and some materials about other Afro-Asiatic languages)
Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics. General Editor: Kees Versteegh. Associate Editors: Mushira Eid, Alaa Elgibali, Manfred Woidich, Andrzej Zaborski The Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics represents a unique collaboration of a few hundred scholars from around the world. It covers all relevant aspects of the study of Arabic and deals with all levels of the language (pre-Classical Arabic, Classical Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, Arabic vernaculars, mixed varieties of Arabic).
Modern written arabic in Hans Wehr's arabisches Wörterbuch für die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart (1st - 5th editions) / : Ladislav Drozdík. Institute of Oriental and African Studies, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Klemensova 19, 813 64 Bratislava, Slovakia Asian and African Studies, 7, 1998, 2, 211-218 -

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