Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography, nature and climate, demographics, history, wars, culture, film, music, politics, defense, peace movements, religion, social issues, education, economy and arms trade.
Géographie, la nature, la démographie, histoire, la culture, la politique, la défense, les mouvements pacifistes, la religion, les questions sociales, l'éducation, économie.
Geografía, naturaleza, demografía, historia, cultura, política, defensa, movimientos por la paz, la religión, las cuestiones sociales, la educación, la economía.
Geographie, Natur, Demographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik, Verteidigung, Friedensbewegungen, Religion, Soziales, Bildung, Wirtschaft.


Geografi: Vietnam er en tropisk sydøstasiatisk socialistisk republik med grænser til Cambodia, Kina og Laos og med kystlinjer til Det sydkinesiske hav, Tonkin og Ha Long-Bugten. Nuværende statsdannelse fra 1975 efter Nordvietnams militære sejr over det amerikansk støttede Sydvietnam. Landet er aktuelt defineret, ifølge ligningsmyndigheden Skatterådet, som et udviklingsland.
Vietnams kultur: My Lai Peace Park.
Massemedier og pressefrihed / Mass media and freedom of the press:
Internet enemies. Reporters Without Borders (Paris), 2009.
Biblioteksvæsen / Libraries. Bogvæsen / Books:
Aviser / Newspapers / journaux / Prensa / Tageszeitungen
Lao Dong 1930-.
Tidsskrifter, periodica / Journals, periodicals / Revues spécialisées, périodiques / Revistas, publicaciones periódicas / Zeitschriften, Periodika
Kunst / Art
Film / Movies / cinéma / Cine / Filme:
Undervisning i film:
International organisering
Vietnam er medlem af The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), FN, IAEA.
Forsvar / militær: SIPRI: Militærudgifter / Military expenditure of Vietnam.
Værnepligt: WRI: Country report and updates: Vietnam.
Paramilitære styrker:
Sociale bevægelser, herunder miljøorganisationer:
Religion: Thich Nhat Han -
Sociale forhold:
Uddannelse: Rumforskning / Space research.
CRS: U.S.-Vietnam Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: Issues for Congress. Mary Beth D. Nikitin et al., 2014.
'Vietnam’s Current Nuclear Capacity Vietnam’s current nuclear infrastructure consists of a research reactor and several research institutes. Under the Atoms for Peace program in the early 1960s, the United States provided South Vietnam with a 250 kilowatt (kw) pool-type TRIGA Mark-II research reactor.3 This research reactor, located at Dalat, used highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel and went critical in 1963. It was used for training, research, and radioisotope production. The research reactor was shut down during the Vietnam War. After North Vietnam defeated the South in 1975 and reunified the country, the Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission (VAEC) was established in 1976 for civilian nuclear research. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has provided technical cooperation (TC) assistance to Vietnam since it joined the Agency in 1978.
In the early 1980s, the Soviet Union helped Vietnam restore and upgrade the research reactor to a 500 kw Russian VVR-M design. This research reactor was powered with highly enriched uranium, weapons-usable material which is considered to be a potential nuclear security risk. With U.S. assistance under the Department of Energy’s Global Threat Reduction Initiative, since 2007, Vietnam has converted the Dalat research reactor from HEU to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel, and returned the HEU fresh and spent fuel to Russia. The shipments, which removed a total of 11 kg of HEU, were completed in July 2013.'
Økonomi: Den Internationale Bank for Genopbygning og Udvikling, Verdensbanken /
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Country at a Glance, 2011.
GAO: Southeast Asia: Trends in U.S. and Chinese Economic Engagement in Indonesia and Vietnam, 2015.
Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2004-2013. / : Dev Kar and Joseph Spanjers.
- Washington, DC : Global Financial Integrity, 2015.
BNP - FN data, landbrug, fiskeri, industri.
Landbrug: FAO Country Profiles.
Kaffe / Coffee / Café / Kaffee, produktion og eksport.
Members of the International Coffee Organization.
Monthly export statistics - January 2016. / : the International Coffee Organization.
Fiskeri: Gren Nielsen, Torkild: Vesten bremser Vietnams fiskeri-eventyr. I: Udvikling, 2011:1 s. 24-27.
Naturresourcer: Olie, tin.
Energi, erhverv, handel og industri: Bilproduktion.

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