
Grundstof nummer 88 i det periodiske system.
Alle 25 kendte isotoper af radium er radioaktive.
Radium er først og fremmest et henfaldsprodukt fra uran og er blevet naturligt udvindet i Canada, den Demokratiske Republik Congo og i USA.
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
Barium ; beryllium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton ; lanthanum ; molybdæn ; neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ; polonium ; radioaktivitet ; ruthenium ; strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran ; xenon ; zirkonium.
Se også: Atomfysik ; Marie Curie ; jordalkalimetaller ; radon.


The Discovery of Radium. / : Marie Curie. 1921.
- https://archive.org/details/ost-chemistry-discoveryofradiu00curi
Radium og radioaktive Stoffer samt nyere Opdagelser angaaende Straaler.
/ : Kirstine Meyer. Gyldendal, 1904.
United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places: Guide to Assessing Historic Radium, Uranium, and Vanadium Mining Resources in Montrose and San Miguel Counties, Colorado and Name of Multiple Property Listing Guide to Assessing Historic Mining Resources. Part I+II, 2008. - 136+121 s.
- http://www.blm.gov/co/st/en/fo/ufo/cultural_resources.html
UNSCEAR 2006 Report Vol. I & II. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation UNSCEAR 2006 Report to the General Assembly, with scientific annexes.
- http://www.unscear.org/unscear/en/publications/2006_1.html
- http://www.unscear.org/unscear/en/publications/2006_2.html

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