
Grundstoffer er radioaktive, hvis deres kerner automatisk afgiver energi, uden først at have absorberet energi.
Denne nedbrydning af de radioaktive kerner kaldes radioaktiv henfald, en proces, hvor ustabile atomer eller ustabile atomkerner ved udsendelse af stråling ændrer sig til en tilstand med lavere energi. Der er tre hovedtyper af radioaktiv henfald: alfa, beta og gamma henfald.
Se også: Atomaffald ; atomfysik ; kemi ; uran.


Atomic Mass Data Center: The NUBASE evaluation of nuclear and decay properties. / G. Audia et al. 2003. - 126 s.
- http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/amdc/nubase/Nubase2003.pdf
'This paper presents the NUBASE evaluation of nuclear and decay properties of nuclides in their ground- and isomeric-states. All nuclides for which some experimental information is known are considered. NUBASE uses extensively the information given by the “Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data Files” and includes the masses from the “Atomic Mass Evaluation” (AME, second part of this issue). But it also includes information from recent literature and is meant to cover all experimental data along with their references. In case no experimental data is available, trends in the systematics of neighboring nuclides have been used, whenever possible, to derive estimated values (labeled in the database as non-experimental). Adopted procedures and policies are presented. AMDC: http://csnwww.in2p3.fr/AMDC/'

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