Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 3 Oktober 2012 / Time Line October 3, 2012

Version 3.5

2. Oktober 2012, 4. Oktober 2012

Den tyske nobelfredsprissmodtager Carl von Ossietzky fødes 1899.
/ Die deutsche Friedensnobelpreisträger Carl von Ossietzky geboren wurde, 1899.

International lov
ABM-traktaten træder i kraft, 1972.
International law
The ABM Treaty enters into force, 1972.

Operation Hurricane
Første britiske  atomvåbenforsøg på Monte Belloøerne ved Australien, 1952.De britiske atomveteraner kan ikke få erstatning for deltagelsen i atomvåbenforsøgene, på grund af forældelsesfrister i forbindelse med sagsanlæggene.

Operation Hurricane
The first British atomic bomb tests is taking place at the Monte Bello Islands, Australia, 1952.
The British nuclear veterans could not receive compensation for participation in the nuclear tests, due to periods of limitation for institution of the proceedings.
Hilary Term [2012] UKSC 9. On appeal from: [2010] EWCA Civ 1317
JUDGMENT Ministry of Defence (Respondent) v AB and others (Appellants) before Lord Phillips, President, Lord Walker, Lady Hale, Lord Brown, Lord Mance, Lord Kerr, Lord Wilson.
Heard on 14-17 November 2011. 2012. - 80 s.
'90. Between October 1952 and September 1958 the respondent (“MoD”) carried out experimental explosions in the atmosphere of a total of 21 thermonuclear devices. This was a mammoth operation. It took place in Australia and the South Pacific and involved approximately 22,000 soldiers, sailors and airmen, many of whom were performing National Service. From these servicemen are drawn the majority of the 1011 claimants, most of whom commenced a group action on 23 December 2004 but a minority of whom have joined the action by claim forms issued on various dates between 16 November 2007 and 29 September 2008. They have become known as “atomic veterans” and I shall call them “the veterans”. Some of the claims are brought by the personal representatives of veterans who have died. Each claim alleges breach of duty on the part of the MoD in exposing the veteran to radiation that has caused illness, disability or death. I shall refer to these alleged consequences, which in most cases involve some form of cancer, simply as “injuries”.'
UK nuclear veterans timed out?
By Sue Roff , Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 3 October 2012
'UK atomic and nuclear veterans may have to turn to the European Court of Human Rights -- which can make decisions that are binding on the UK and other countries that have ratified the European Convention on Human Rights -- if they are to win compensation or a fairer pension scheme. A dozen years ago, they were turned away by that court and told to go back to the UK courts to explore the domestic remedies more fully. The Supreme Court decision means that they have exhausted those UK avenues and will now, perhaps, be eligible for re-consideration'.

International lov
ABM-traktaten træder i kraft, 1972.

International law
The ABM Treaty enters into force, 1972

Ny start traktatens samlede tal for strategiske offensive våben.
Kontoret for våbenkontrol, verifikation og overholdelse: Faktablad 3 oktober 2012 (fra 1. september 2012, som stammer fra udveksling af oplysninger fra parterne).

New START Treaty Aggregate Numbers of Strategic Offensive Arms
Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance: Fact Sheet October 3, 2012 (As of September 1, 2012, as drawn from the exchange of data by the Parties)
'The United States as of Sept. 1 held 1,722 strategic nuclear warheads fielded on 806 active ICBMs, submarines-based missiles and bombers, a reduction of 15 deployed weapons and six launch-ready delivery vehicles over the prior six months, the U.S. State Department indicated in data released on Wednesday.
Russia at the start of last month maintained 1,499 nuclear warheads deployed on 491 extended-distance delivery systems, according to details provided under a bilateral strategic arms control pact. Its count of fielded warheads was actually up from 1,492 warheads on March 1, though the number of active delivery devices dropped slightly from 494.
The United States held 1,034 bombers and missile firing platforms on active duty and in reserve, while Russia had 884 such systems, according to the State Department

NATO Extends Rasmussen's Term as Secretary General
By Cheryl Pellerin, American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3, 2012 - The North Atlantic Council has extended Anders Fogh Rasmussen's four-year term as NATO secretary general for another year, until July 31, 2014, the council announced today.



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