
En del af SALT1-traktaten indgået mellem USA og Sovjetunionen i 1972. Parterne forpligtigede sig til kun at udstationere to ABM-systemer, et til beskyttelse af hovedstaden, og et til beskyttelse af et ICBM -anlæg.
Storbritannien har ikke underskrevet ABM-traktaten.
Se traktatteksten i fuld tekst på engelsk.
Se også: CTBT ; Prøvestoptraktaten fra 1963 ; Fylingdales ; Milcom ; Thule.

Litteratur og kilder om ABM-traktaten på Internettet

The ABM Treaty and theatre ballistic missile defence
SIPRI Yearbook 1995 / Alexei Arbatov.

Missile Defence and the ABM Treaty : A Status Report / Shannon Kile.
SIPRI Fact Sheet, June 2001 8 s.

The U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) Home Page.  Includes BMDO Fact Sheets on the BMD Program, National Missile Defense, Theater Missile Defense, and Advanced Technology.

Missile index, a Web site a database of world's missile systems, based on the book "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World's Missile Systems" by Hajime Ozu (Shinkigensha 1996, Japanese language).

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Non-Proliferation Project on Missile Defense Research Resources.

Centre for Defence and International Security Studies, a UK-based group, on Defenses Against Missiles.

Center for Defense Information on ballistic missile defenses.

Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers resources on Ballistic Missile Defense

Council for a Livable World on ballistic missile defense, including the BMD Newswire, a compilation of breaking news articles on the BMD. Updated regularly.

Council for a Livable World's BMD briefing book- en kronologi.

Union of Concerned Scientists on ballistic missile defenses.

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