Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 12. Juli 1977 / Time Line July 12, 1977

Version 3.0

11. Juli 1977, 13. Juli 1977

Demokrati, Norge
Det norske tidsskrift Ny Tid afslører, at norske efterretningsagenter i 1950'erne havde hvervet finske nazister til spionage og sabotage i Sovjetunionen. Den tidligere kaptajn i forsvarets overkommandos efterretningsstab, Svein Blindheim bekræfter historien, hvorefter han sigtes for brud på landsvikerloven. Ivar Johansen sigtes samtidig for at have udarbejdet lister over ansatte ved efterretningstjenesten, Liste-saken.

Underjordisk fransk  atomvåbenforsøg ved Muruora.
/ Underground French nuclear weapons tests at Muruora.
/ Souterrains français experiences nucleaires, par Muruora.
/ Subterráneo francés pruebas de armas nucleares por parte de Muruora.
/ Unterirdisch Französisch Kernwaffenversuchen durch Muruora.
Kilde: The radiological situation at the atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa main report. / : Report by an International Advisory Committee.
- Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1998. - 310 s. ; Radiological assessment reports series) -ISSN 1020-6566 - ISBN 92-0-101198-9

The President's News Conference, The American Presidency Project
THE PRESIDENT. Good afternoon, everybody. Do you have any questions? [Laughter]
Ms. Thomas [Helen Thomas, United Press International].
Q. Mr. President, how do you reconcile your decision to go ahead with the neutron bomb with your inaugural pledge to eliminate all nuclear weapons? Also, why didn't you know the money was in the bill? And three, doesn't this escalate the arms race? And I have a followup. [Laughter]
THE PRESIDENT. Well, it's a very serious question. In the first place, I did not know what was in the bill. The enhanced radiation of the neutron bomb has been discussed and also has been under development for 15 or 20 years. It's not a new concept at all, not a new weapon.
It does not affect our SALT or strategic weapons negotiations at all. It's strictly designed as a tactical weapon. I think that this would give us some flexibility.
I have not yet decided whether to advocate deployment of the neutron bomb. I think the essence of it is that for a given projectile size or for a given missile head size, that the destruction that would result from the explosion of a neutron bomb is much less than the destruction from an equivalent weapon of other types.
The essence of the question is that if the neutron weapon or atomic weapon ever should have to be used against enemy forces in occupied territory of our allies or ourselves, the destruction would be much less.
Before I make a final decision on the neutron bomb's deployment, I would do a complete impact statement analysis on it, submit this information to the Congress. But I have not yet decided whether to approve the neutron bomb. I do think it ought to be one of our options, however.
Q. Mr. President, if you decided to go ahead, would you renounce the first use of the bomb? For example, you would not use it unless there was an oppressive enemy action?
THE PRESIDENT. This is something that I have not yet decided. Of course, we hope that we can reach an agreement among all nations in the future to forgo the use of all atomic weapons and also to eliminate the possession of all nuclear weapons.
There are two distinct classes of weapons. One is the tactical weapons which have not been under the purview of discussions with the Soviets or others. The other one is the strategic nuclear weapons.
But the definition of under what circumstances we would use such atomic weapons has not yet been spelled out publicly. I obviously hope that our continuing inclination toward peace, shared, I'm sure, by the Soviets and others, will prevent any use of atomic weapons. They are there as a deterrent however, and the option for their use has to be maintained as one of the viable options...



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