x-band radar ; XBR

Amerikansk militær radar.
Del af USAs National Missile Defence-systemet, stjernekrigsprojekter. Der er ifølge det daværende US Ballsitic Missile Defence Organization, marts 1999, planlagt oprettelse af x-band radarer på følgende baser: Shemya; Adak, Beale, Clear, Cape Cod, Fylingdales, Thule, Sydkorea, Grand Forks og Hawaii.
The X-Band radar has been installed only in Hawaii so far. When it was first mooted for Fylingdales in 2001, there was great concern. The Hawaii installation, a huge golf ball and development included a 14-storey building. The main concern re: Fylingdales was the fact that it is in the National Park. Even the Deputy Prime Minister said that the plans would go to Public Inquiry and it could take 5 years for permission to be granted. No plans have yet been submitted.
When the Secretary of State for Defence Geoff Hoon was questioned by the House of Commons Defence Committee about the Fylingdaes upgrade, he stated that the X-Band radar was likely to be located on a rig (like an oil rig) at sea.
There has been big fuss about the BMD plans at Fylingdales, particularly a newspaper report (Independent on Sunday 17 October 2004) that permission had secretly been granted for interceptor missiles to be installed. The MoD had to assure the local authority in December that this was not so...it is highly unlikely that there will be any more external development at Fylingdales.
The Fylingdales upgraded EWR cannot be used for missile defence without the other elements in the total system. These are X-band radar (for precision identification and guidance of interceptor misiles); Space-based Infrared System (Menwith Hill); MILSTAR; interceptor missiles; GPS for synchronisation of all the elements.
Se også: ABM-traktaten ; ELINT ; C3I ; Globus II ; GMD ; RADINT ; Rumimperialisme ; rumkrig ; SIGINT ; Upgraded Early Warning Radars.


Arms Control Association: Fact Sheets: U.S. Missile Defense Programs at a Glance.
Associated Press: Oahu may get giant radar : The military assesses the potential impact of a missile defense dome off Kalaeloa. Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Wednesday, July 16, 2003.
Boeing Team Completes Sea-Based X-Band Radar Integration.
Missile Defense Limitations in Testing: Radar Beacon.
MissileThreat: Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX).
MissileThreat: Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).
Pike, John: Ground Based Radar [GBR] / X-band Radar [XBR].
Raytheon's BMDS X-Band Radar Successfully Lifted Aboard the SBX-1 Platform.
Sellevag, Inge: The US kept silent about ABM Treaty problem.
Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies at MIPT ; Bergens Tidende (June 7, 2000).
Sellevag, Inge: Uncovering Vardø. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, March/April 2000, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 26-29)
United States Department of Defense : Missile Defense Radar Site Chosen

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