
Oldnordisk: Sammensat begreb af sult og nød.
Mangel på føde, mad som skaber underernæring med videre.
Årsagerne til hungersnød kan være krige, inflation, klimaforandringer herunder tørke, ringe eller fejlslagen høstudbytte, epidimier og politisk samt økonomisk ustabilitet.
Se også: Akut fødevareusikkerhed ; kronisk fødevareusikkerhed.


UN World Food Programme : Global Report on Food Crises, 2020.
Hunger Kills a Yemeni Child Under 5 Every 10 minutes in Yemen
Middle East Information, New Media and Technology, Al Bawaba. November 24th, 2019
The Yemeni minister of public health and population says it is estimated that every 10 minutes a child under the age of five dies from extreme hunger in the conflict-plagued and impoverished Arab country, warning that the ongoing Saudi-led blockade is also taking a heavy toll on newborn babies.
2017 Global Hunger Index. International Food Policy Research Institute
The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger globally and by country and region. Calculated each year by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the GHI highlights successes and failures in hunger reduction and provides insights into the drivers of hunger. By raising awareness and understanding of regional and country differences in hunger, the GHI aims to trigger actions to reduce hunger.
On February 20, 2017, the world awoke to a headline that should have never come about: Famine had been declared in parts of South Sudan, the first to be announced anywhere in the world in six years. This was on top of imminent famine warnings in northern Nigeria, Somalia, and Yemen, putting a total of 20 million people at risk of starvation. The formal famine declaration in South Sudan meant that people were already dying of hunger. Meanwhile, Venezuela's political turmoil created massive food shortages in both the city and countryside, leaving millions without enough to eat in a region that, overall, has low levels of hunger. As the crisis there escalated and food prices soared, the poor were the first to suffer.
Hungersnød 2018-2019
Afghanistan ; Bangladesh ; Burundi ; Cameroon ; Congo DRC ; Ethiopien ; Haiti ; Irak ; Kenya ; Malawi ; Pakistan ; Somalia ; Sudan ; Sydafrika ; Sydsudan ; Syrien ; Uganda ; Yemen og Zimbabwe.
FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. 2018. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018. Building climate resilience for food security and nutrition. Rome, FAO.
Se også: Opslag om Nödår i Kulturhistorisk Leksikon for nordisk middelalder bd. 12 spalterne 467-470.

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