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Del af USAs aktuelle
atomvåbenindustrielle kompleks som administreres af den
amerikanske våbenfabrik Lockheed Martin for
energiministeriet. Laboratoriet er beliggende i Albuquerque, NM og
blev oprettet under Manhattanprojektet. Nuværende adresser:
Kirtland Air Force Base og Livermore, Californien, nabo til
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Også afdelinger i
Hawaii og Nevada. Det er Sandia opgaver at opretholde nukleare
våbensystemer troværdighed og sikkerhed, udføre
forskning og udvikling inden for våbenkontrol og
ikke-spredning teknologier, og undersøge metoder til
bortskaffelse farligt affald fra USAs
- Miljøforurening
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
- Barium ; beryllium ;
cerium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton
; lanthanum ; molybdæn ;
neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ;
polonium ; radioaktivitet ; ruthenium ;
strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran
; xenon ;
- Se også: Kirtland Underground Munitions Storage
- Radiation Releases at Sandia National Laboratories/New
Mexico: Recently Reported Radiation Releases and Other
Potential Sources of Radiation Release. / : Paul Robinson.
- http://www.sric.org/nuclear/docs/Robinson.pdf
The Mixed Waste Landfill
Based on data provided to NMED in 2001 by SNL, the MWL contains
approximately 100,000 cubic feet of radioactive and hazardous
waste, including more than 10 tons of depleted uranium, estimated
to have contained more than 6300 curies of radioactivity at the
time of disposal. Hazardous constituents at the MWL include organic
chemicals such as trichloroethylene (TCE) and carbon tetrachloride
and heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. Radioactive constituents
at the MWL include more than 40 radioactive isotopes such as:
tritium (H-3), sodium-22, barium-133, cobalt-57, cobalt-60,
molybdenum-54, krypton-85, strontium-90, iodine-129, and
cesium-137, polonium-210, radium-226, uranium-235, americium-241,
thorium oxide, and plutonium-238, among other isotopes.”
(Citizen Action, 2006).
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