Herluf Bidstrup


Latin: Styrte sammen; falde i grus; ødelæggelse, eksempelvis i form af masseødelæggelse.
Resultatet af militarisme, oprustning, borgerkrig, krig og hærværk for de fleste krigsdeltagere og krigsofre.
Krigsskader skal rekonstrueres, reparationer skal financieres og ruiner skal genopbygges eller erstattes efter krig. Brugen af cement til genopbygning af ruiner vil forøge drivhusgasudledningerne fra cementindustrien.
Se også: The Association of Recording U.S. Air Raids and War Damage ; atomisere ; Boligministeriet ; The Center of the Tokio Air Raids and War Damages - Tokio ; Dekonstruktion ; demografisk relaksation ; destruktion ; drab ; dystopi ; FNs internationale organisation for migration ; forlis ; forurening ; hibakusha ; invalid ; kaput ; kollaps ; krigsrente ; Kulturarvstyrelsen ; ravage ; ruinere ; Skov- og Naturstyrelsen ; tab ; Trümmerfrauen ; UNICEF - UNRRA ; urbicide ; vrag ; ødegård ; ødelæggelsernes vederstyggelighed.


Falluja er en ruinhob. / Michael Georgy ; Kim Sengupta. I: Information, 11/16/2004.
Maeterlinck, Maurice: Krigens Ruiner, 1916.
NASA: From Rockets to Ruins : The PEPCON Ammonium Perchlorate Plant Explosion.
System Failure Case Studies. November 2012, Volume 6 Issue 9.
May 4, 1988, Clark County, NV: What began as a normal repair procedure at the Pacific Engineering Production Company of Nevada (PEPCON), a chemical plant specializing in the manufacture of a major component in solid propellant, ended in the worst way imaginable. While many workers were leaving for lunch, sparks from a repair crew welding torch set ablaze fiberglass infrastructure. The flames, which grew out of control, soon engulfed PEPCON’s massive stock of oxidizer, creating the largest domestic, non- nuclear explosion in recorded history. The explosion affected structures in a 10-mile radius, accrued damages estimated at $100 million, injured approximately 372 people, and ended the lives of 2 plant employees.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Befriet, skudt i grus, affolket : Der kan gå måneder, før indbyggerne kan vende tilbage til Falluja, siger FN-organisation. I: Information, 12/04/2004.
NTB: [Amerikanske] soldaters liv knuses i Irak. I: Information, 01/25/2005.
Olsen, Nis: Blod og legetøj i ruinerne [i Qana]. I: Politiken, 08/01/2006.
Rebuilding Governance in Failed States and Post-Conflict Societies. / : Edited by Derick W. Brinkerhoff.
Public Administration and Development, Volume 25: 1 (February 2005).
Thousands of Fallujah residents return to devastation.
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. December 28, 2004
- http://www.arabmediawatch.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2307
Tilbage til et liv i ruiner [i Kosovo]. I: Berlingske Tidende, 12/12/2004.
U.S.-Led Troops Have Damaged Babylon, British Museum Says.
Villesen, Kristian: Genopbygningen af Irak er slået fejl. I: Information, 08/06/2007.

The spoils of war : world war II and its aftermath: the loss, reappearance, and recovery of cultural property.
/ : edited by Elizabeth Simpson. Abrams, 1997.
Papers of a symposium sponsored by the Bard Graduate Center for the Decorative Arts, Jan. 1995, in New York. Includes texts or excerpts of related treaties, conventions, and other official documents in the appendices.

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