masseødelæggelse / mass destruction

Engelsk: Begrebet masseødelæggelse blev tilsyneladende først formuleret i et referat i avisen London Times i 1937 der beskrev bombningen og ødelæggelse af den baskiske by Guernica af tyske bombefly som bistod de fascistiske oprørerne i den spanske borgerkrig.
/ Mass destruction was apparently coined in the London Times in 1937 to describe the bombing and destruction of the Basque town of Guernica by German planes assisting the fascist rebels in the Spanish Civil War.
'It was in the context of the latter that the Archbishop of Canterbury coined the term “weapons of mass destruction.” In his 1937 Christmas day radio broadcast, excerpted by the Times of London on December 28, 1937, the Archbishop voiced
dismay of the fears, jealousies, and suspicions which have compelled nations, our own among them, to pile up their armament. Who can think at this present time without a sickening of the heart of the appalling slaughter, the suffering, the manifold misery brought by war to Spain and to China? Who can think without horror of what another widespread war would mean, waged as it would be with all the new weapons of mass destruction?'
Se også: Masseødelæggelsesvåben.

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