Lookout Mountain Air Force Station

Amerikansk. Virksomheden er opkaldt efter Lookout Mountain som sammen med Sand Mountain er en del af Cumberland højsletten i delstaterne Alabama, Georgia og Tennessee. Lookout Mountain blev berømt under den amerikanske borgerkrig.
Film produktionsselskabet Lookout Mountain Air Force Station er oprettet i 1941 med nuværende adresse på Wonderland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, producerede klassificerede film og stillbilleder af atomvåbenforsøg til Forsvarsministeriet og Atomenergi-kommissionen i den første del af den kolde krig, i perioden 1947 til 1969. Filmstudiet og dets produktioner er bl. a. beskrevet af Peter Kuran i Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero (Video 1999).
Se også: International Combat Camera Association, Inc.


Brooks, Fred Emerson: The spirit of peace (1912).
"Written ... for Lookout mountain, W.R.C., and read ... at the dedication of the Peace monument in Berkeley, California, February twenty-second, nineteen hundred and twelve." "Illustrations by Mary Crete Crouch."
Connor, George C.: Historical guide to Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain, with descriptions of the battles, battle-fields, climate, industries, minerals, timber, etc (1889).
Journal history of the Twenty-ninth Ohio veteran volunteers, 1861-1865. Its victories and its reverses. And the compaigns and battles of Winchester, Port Republic, Cedar Mountain, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Atlanta, the march to the sea, and the campaign of the Carolinas, in which it bore an honorable part (1883).
Ochs, Milton Barlow: Views: Chattanooga, Chickamauga national park, Look-out Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Orchard Knob national cemetery, Tennessee River, Walden's Ridge (1905).

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