kampfly ; kampflyvemaskine

Militært fly, der er bestemt til i krig at bruges i luftkamp, til bombardement m. m..
Kampflyet kan være udrustet med atomvåben eller konventionelle våben.
En kampflyver er en pilot.
Se også Masseødelæggelsesvåben ; US Joint Strike Fighter, F-35 ; ruin ; støjgrænse ; våbenhandel.


30 mia. til nye kampfly er det glade vanvid: Der er brug for en ny og mindre militaristisk kurs i dansk sikkerhedspolitik. Det betyder, at der ikke skal bruges flere penge end højst nødvendigt på at indkøbe nye kampfly. / : Holger K. Nielsen. I: Politikens kronik, 28. april 2016.
Holger K. Nielsen er mf for SF og tidl. udenrigsminister 2013-14.
An [Canadian] Estimate of the Fiscal Impact of Canada's Proposed Acquisition of the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter. / : Tolga R Yalkin ; Peter Weltman.
- Ottawa, Canada: Parliamentary Budget Office, 2011.
CRS: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program: Background and Issues for Congress. / : Jeremiah Gertler, 2009.
GAO: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Action Needed to Improve Reliability and Prepare for Modernization Efforts, 2019.
In 2018, DOD sent an F-35 aircraft to its first combat mission and started initial operational testing. DOD now plans to spend over $270 billion to buy more than 2,000 F-35 aircraft over the next 26 years. Since 2011, GAO has found the need for more attention to the F-35’s Reliability and Maintainability performance to achieve an operationally suitable system.
GAO: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Development Is Nearly Complete, but Deficiencies Found in Testing Need to Be Resolved, 2018
In 2019, DOD will decide whether to enter full-rate production for the F-35 aircraft, the most expensive and ambitious weapon acquisition program in U.S. military history. DOD has already requested the $9.8 billion it will need for 2019, and it will continue to request more over the next two decades—about $10.4 billion annually. However, the F-35 is just one program in DOD’s vast acquisition portfolio, raising questions about its long-term affordability. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 included a provision for GAO to review the F-35 acquisition program until it reaches full-rate production. This is GAO's third report under this provision. It assesses progress of development and testing, including remaining deficiencies, and plans for spending on new capabilities.
What GAO Recommends
Congress should consider providing in future appropriations that no funds shall be available for obligation for F-35 Block 4 until DOD provides a sound business case for the effort. GAO is making two recommendations to DOD, including that it resolve all critical deficiencies before full-rate production. DOD concurred with both recommendations and cited that it would resolve all critical deficiencies before its full- rate production decision.
Hidden Troubles. / : Defence News, 16. juni 2019.
- https://www.defensenews.com/smr/hidden-troubles-f35/
Om køb af kampfly : I efteråret 1955 væltede danske aviser sig i annoncer for det britiske kampfly Hawker Hunter. Også dengang var debatten skarp. / : Redaktionen. I: Information, 7 maj 2016.
Om køb af redaktører. / : Hans Scherfig. Tiden, 1955: 10. Genoptrykt i: Information, 7 maj 2016.

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