masseødelæggelsesvåben / weapons of mass destruction

Engelsk: Sammensat begreb som er en fællesbetegnelse for store konventionelle våben, kernevåben, biologiske-, kemiske og radiologiske våben samt missiler og klyngebomber, hvis anvendelse resulterer i utilsigtede, massakrercivile. Begrebet kendes fra 1937. Blandt stater med tradition for imperialisme som har masseødelæggelsesvåben er Israel, Storbritannien og USA. Masseødelæggelsesvåben er genstand for sikkerhedspolitike initativer som inspektion, kontrol og nedrustning.
Danmarks deltagelse i krigen mod Irak fra 2003 byggede på misinformation omkring Iraks besiddelse af masseødelæggelsesvåben fra både statsministeren, udenrigsministeren og 'ansvarlige' politikere, men hverken FN, CIA (Kay-rapporten) eller amerikanske våbeninspektører har i skrivende stund, 2004, fundet ulovlige våben i Irak.
Forslag til Lov om ændring af våbenloven, straffeloven og krigsmaterielloven (Masseødelæggelsesvåben mv.), 2006
Se også: Campaign Against Arms Trade ; Blix-kommissionen ; the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency ; depleted uranium oxide dust ; ENMOD ; fire storm ; FN sporet ; The Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction ; golfkrigssyndromet ; klyngebomber ; mass fire ; NBCW ; Nuclear Radiation Wars ; US Poliferation Security Initative ; Radioactive Uranium Dust ; Reliable Replacement Warhead ; Ronald Reagan : uran-gate ; voldtægt ; weaponization ; Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission / Hans Blix kommissionen ; Weapons of mass financial destruction ; Weaponsgate ; våbenprogrammer.
See in Google: Weapons Mass Destruction ; Cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction.
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Timeline of official quotes on Iraqi WMD
A look back at what officials have said about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction in media reports, speeches and briefings.


WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction / producer Michelle Ehrenstein. Part I + 2.

Avery, John: The Overlooked Threat of Nuclear Weapons.
Buncombe, Andrew: Vi tog næsten alle fejl - vi har ikke fundet beviser på våbenlagre . I: Information, 30/01/2004.
Burcharth, Martin: Bush' troværdighed alvorligt svækket. I: Information, 10/04/2003.
Burcharth, Martin: Gadaffi sender julegave til Bush. I: Information, 12/23/2003.
Center for Nonproliferation Studies ; Monterey Institute of International Studies: Missile, NBC Weapons, and Conflict in the Middle East: An Annotated Chronology.
Center for Nonproliferation Studies: Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East
Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence on Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction
'The Special Advisor to the Director of Central Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) has released a revised edition of his September 2004 Comprehensive Report on Iraq's WMD, as well as six previously unpublished addendums. The report, also known as the Duelfer Report, reveals a comprehensive picture of the Saddam Hussein regime's weapons of mass destruction programs as unraveled by the Iraq Survey Group (ISG). The report draws on the ISG's unprecedented access to Iraqi participants, including Saddam himself, Iraqi documents, and reported weapons sites. It compares previous assessments of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, provides insight into how the Saddam regime viewed such weapons programs and their future, and untangles the Saddam regime's interactions with the UN and Oil for Food Program. The previously unavailable addendums record the results from the investigation of issues that remained open after the initial publication of the Comprehensive Report issued on September 30, 2004. These issues include, the potential quantity of residual chemical weapons in Iraq; the status of people, facilities, and equipment formerly employed in the weapons of mass destruction programs; a discussion of the process and utility of debriefing Iraqi detainees to gain understanding of these programs; a detailed description of the history of Iraq's Military Industrial Commission, the governmental organ in charge of weapons development; comments on the investigation of the possible movement of Iraqi Weapons of mass destruction to Syria prior to the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom.'
Cornwell, Rupert: USA overdrev atomtrussil [fra Libyen]. I: Information, 03/27/2004.
Dahlin, Ulrik: Hærchef fra Sorø var Blairs Irakkilde. I: Information, 02/23/2004.
Damljær, Ole: Dansk kamp mod masseødelæggelsesvåben. I: Berlingske Tidende, 02/29/2004.
Damljær, Ole: Våbenjagt uden pletskud. I: Berlingske Tidende, 10/04/2003.
Danmarks Radio P1: Danmark i krig - De forsvundne våben, 10/04/2003.
Dragsdahl, Jørgen: Nye argumenter for krig mod Irak. I: Information, 01/30/2004.
Dragsdahl, Jørgen: Imperiet slår til mod onde a-våben. I: Information, 02/15/2004.
Embedsmænd uenige om Irak-trussel / Jesper Larsen ; Michael Bjerre. I: Berlingske Tidende, 03/07/2004.
Gunnarsson, Bo: Vi tager vores magt alvorligt : Pakistan erkender, at viden om landets atomvåbenteknologi er lækket til lande som Iran, Libyen og Nordkorea. I: Information, 01/06/2004.
Iraq Survey Group Final Report.
September 30, 2004.
Langley, Chris: Soldiers in the Laboratory. Scientists for Global Responsibility.
Leder: Saddams bombe. I: Information, 12/19/2002.
Leder: Sexede løgne. I: Information, 08/15/2003.
The Library of Congress legislative database query: iraq weapons mass destruction.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Bush: Krigsgrundlag må undersøges. I: Information, 02/02/2004.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: CIA: Fandt ingen forbudte våben. I: Information, 09/26/2003.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Irakisk atomforsker: Våbenprogrammet var for længst ødelagt. I: Information, 09/29/2003.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Mobilt våbenbevis fiser ud. I: Information, 08/12/2003.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: USA viste Saddam ikke havde våben. I: Information, 09/25/2003.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Våben-rapport kommer nok aldrig. I: Information, 09/16/2003.
Producing Mass Destruction : Private companies and the nuclear weapon industry. / : Susi Snyder et al. ICAN, PAX. 2019.
Rasmussen, Annegrethe: Blair i tvivl om masseødelæggelsesvåben. I: Information, 01/13/2004.
Rasmussen, Annegrethe: Krav om ny undersøgelse. I: Information, 01/30/2004.
Regeringen misinformerede om Irak / Charlotte Aagaard ; Stefen Fog. I: Information, 07/22/2003.
SIPRI: Complete list of SIPRI Publications 1969-1998.
Ritzaus Bureau: Bush: Efterretninger var gode og solide. I: Information, 07/31/2003.
Ritzaus Bureau: Fortsat dansk transport af våben. I: Informaion, 02/21/2006.
Scheer, Robert : Bush Was All Too Willing to Use Émigrés' Lies: Los Angeles Times, 09/02/2003.
Scientists Still Deny Iraqi Arms Programs : U.S. Interrogations Net No Evidence / Walter Pincus ; Kevin Sullivan. In: Washington Post, 07/31/2003.
Vestermark, Birgitte: Bremer undsiger Blair om Irak. I: Berlingske Tidende, 12/29/2003.
Weapons of Mass Destruction : U.N. Confronts Significant Challenges in Implementing Sanctions against Iraq. GAO-02-625. - Washington, D.C. : General Accounting Office, May 23, 2002.
Aagaard, Charlotte: DR-dokumentar: Danmark i krig på en løgn. I: Information, 10/04/2003.
Aagaard, Charlotte: FN bekræfter misinformation. I: Information, 07/23/2003.
Aagaard, Charlotte: Fogh løj om atomtrussel. I: Information, 02/25/2004.
Aagaard, Charlotte: En krig på ord. I: Information, 10/04/2003.
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Entity Database, Contains unclassified information on thousands of individuals, companies, projects and organizations identified for involvement in an illicit activity or activity "of concern" related to nuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons (NBCW) or ballistic missiles. Each of the Database's 6,000+ records has its own open source citation. The Database is maintained in a "merge-file" format in WordPerfect 8.0 for Windows ‘95, enabling the data to be easily converted to other database platforms, or directly into report texts.
Steven P. Johnson, Director, Research Department, Adirondack Enterprises

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