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Chiquita Papers Document over $800,000 in Payments to Colombian Guerrillas
Internal Security Reports Detail Negotiations with Subversive Groups
Company Sought Quid Pro Quos with Insurgents; Funded Group That Went on “Joint Patrols” with Paramilitaries
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 592
Washington, D.C., May 11 2017 - Ten years have passed since Chiquita Brands was sentenced in the United States for financing an international terrorist group. In 2007, the company confessed to paying the paramilitary United Self-defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) and also admitted that between 1989 and 1997 it funded the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN), the country’s two largest rebel groups.
But unlike the AUC, Chiquita’s financial ties to guerrilla groups were not a concern of U.S. courts. The FARC and the ELN had not yet been declared foreign terrorist organizations by the U.S. when those payments were made; and while both groups were so designated in October 1997, the court found no evidence that the company had paid either of them beyond that date.
With Colombian authorities now ready to prosecute banana company executives for funding Colombian guerrilla groups, a new batch of Chiquita Papers obtained under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by the National Security Archive provides a detailed accounting of the payments that Chiquita Brands and three other banana companies made to Colombian insurgent groups between 1989 and 1997. The records for the first time reveal the minimum amounts of money Chiquita paid to the various Colombian guerrilla groups, and provide a unique, first-hand account of the harrowing and complicated security situation in Urabá from the practical and calculated perspective of one of the world’s biggest fruit companies.
The New Chiquita Papers: Secret Testimony and Internal Records Identify Banana Executives who Bankrolled Terror in Colombia
SEC Deposition Transcripts Detail Years of Payments to Colombian Paramilitary, Guerrilla Groups
Top Chiquita Exec: “Not Realistic” to Halt Colombia Operations over Guerrilla Payments
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 586
Washington, D.C., April 24, 2017 - Ten years ago, Chiquita Brands International became the first U.S.-based corporation convicted of violating a U.S. law against funding an international terrorist group—the paramilitary United Self-defense Forces of Colombia (AUC). But punishment for the crime was reserved only for the corporate entity, while the names of the individual company officials who engineered the payments have since remained hidden behind a wall of impunity.
As Colombian authorities now prepare to prosecute business executives for funding groups responsible for major atrocities during Colombia’s decades-old conflict, a new set of Chiquita Papers, made possible through the National Security Archive’s FOIA lawsuit, has for the first time made it possible to know the identities and understand the roles of the individual Chiquita executives who approved and oversaw years of payments to groups responsible for countless human rights violations in Colombia.
Today’s posting features the first in a series of articles published jointly by the National Security Archive and Verdad Abierta highlighting new revelations from the Chiquita Papers, identifying the people behind the payments, and examining how the Papers can help to clarify lingering questions about the case.
Guerrillas, Drugs and Human Rights in U.S.-Colombia Policy, 1988-2002. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 69 / Edited by Michael Evans, Director, Colombia Documentation Project
Volume I: The Andean Strategy, 1989 "Attacking drugs by hitting the insurgency"
Volume II: Counterdrug Operations "The most dangerous flying in the so-called drug war"
Volume III: Conditioning Security Assistance.
The Secret U.S. Debate Over Intelligence Sharing with Peru and Colombia. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 44 / Edited by Michael L. Evans. 2001.

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