Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; kultur ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Tyrkiets krige

Tyrkiets deltagelse i krige / Participation in wars / Participation à des guerres / La participación en las guerras / Beteiligung an Kriegen
Tyrkiet var en del af Det ottomanske rige

Se tillige: Afrikanske krige ; Krige fra Amerika ; Krige fra Asien ; Krige fra Europa ; Krige fra Oceanien (inkl. Australien og New Zealand)
Afghanske krige ; Albanske krige ; Algeriske krige ; Andorras krige ; Amerikanske krige ; Angolas krige ; Antigua & Barbudas krige ; Argentinske krige ; Aserbajdsjanse krige ; Australske krige ; Bahamas krige ; Bahrainske krige ; Bangladesh krige ; Barbados krige ; Belgiske krige ; Belizes krige ; Benins krige ; Bhutans krige ; Bolivianske krige ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas krige ; Botswanas krige ; Brasilianske krige ; Britiske krige ; Brunei Darussalamske krige ; Bulgarske krige ; Burkina Fasos krige ; Burundiske krige ; Canadiske krige ; Cambodjanske krige ; Camerouns krige ; Centralafrikanske krige ; Chiles krige ; Colombianske krige ; Comorernes krige ; Congolesiske krige ; Costa Ricanske krige ; Cubanske krige ; Cypriotiske krige ; Danske krige ; Den demokratiske republik Congos krige ; Djiboutiske krige ; Dominicas krige ; Dominicanske krige ; Ecuadors krige ; Egyptiske krige ; El Salvadors krige ; Elfenbenskystens krige ; Eritreas krige ; Estlands krige ; Etiopiske krige ; Fijis krige ; Filippinske krige ; Finske krige ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters krige ; Franske krige ; Færøske krige ; Gabons krige ; Gambianske krige ; Ghanas krige ; Grenadas krige ; Græske krige ; Grønlandske krige ; Guatemalas krige ; Guineanske krige ; Guinea-Bissaus krige ; Guyanske krige ; Haitis krige ; Honduras krige ; Hollandske krige ; Hvideruslands krige ; Indiske krige ; Indonesiske krige ; Iranske krige ; Islandske krige ; Irske krige ; Israelske krige ; Italienske krige ; Jamaicase krige ; Japanske krige ; Jordans krige ; Kap Verdiske krige ; Kasakhstaniske krige ; Kenyanske krige ; Kinesiske krige ; Kirgisistans krige ; Kiribatiske krige ; Kosovoanske krige ; Kroatiens krige ; Kuwaits krige ; Laotiske krige ; Lesothiske krige ; Letlandske krige ; Libanesiske krige ; Liberianske krige ; Libyske krige ; Liechtensteinske krige ; Litauens krige ; Luxembourgs krige ; Madagascarske krige ; Makedonske krige ; Malawiske krige ; Malaysianske krige ; Maldivienske krige ; Malis krige ; Maltesiske krige ; Marokkanske krige ; Marshalløernes krige ; Mauretaniens krige ; Mauritiuske krige ; Mexicanske krige ; Mikronesiske krige ; Moldoviske krige ; Monacoske krige ; Montenegros krige ; Mozambiques krige ; Myanmars krige ; Namibiaske krige ; Naurus krige ; Nepals krige ; New Zealandske krige ; Nicaraguanske krige ; Nigerske krige ; Nigerianskes krige ; Norske krige ; Nordkoreanske krige ; Omans krige ; Pakistanske krige ; Palaus krige ; Palæstinas krige ; Panamanske krige ; Papua Ny Guineanske krige ; Paraguays krige ; Peruvianske krige ; Polske krige ; Portugisiske krige ; Qatars krige ; Rumænske krige ; Russiske krige ; Rwandanske krige ; Salomonøernes krige ; Samoas krige ; San Marinos krige ; São Tomé & Principles krige ; Saudi-Arabiske krige ; Schweiziske krige ; Senegals krige ; Serbiske krige ; Seychellernes krige ; Sierra Leones krige ; Singapores krige ; Skotske krige ; Slovakiets krige ; Sloveniens krige ; Somaliske krige ; Spanske krige ; Sri Lankas krige ; St. Kitts & Nevis krige ; St. Lucias krige ; St. Vincent og Grenadinernes krige ; Sudanesisk krige ; Surinams krige ; Svenske krige ; Swazilands krige ; Sydafrikanske krige ; Sydkoreanske krige ; Sydsudans krige ; Syriske krige ; Tadsjikistanske krige ; Taiwanesiske krige ; Tanzanianske krige ; Tchadske krige ; Thailandske krige ; Tjekkisk krige ; Togos krige ; Tonganske krige ; Trinidad & Tobagos krige ; Tunesiske krige ; Turkmenistanske krige ; Tuvaluske krige ; Tyske krige ; Ugandas krige ; Ukrainske krige ; Ungarnske krige ; Uruguayske krige ; Usbekistanske krige ; Vanuatuske krige ; Venezueleanske krige ; Vietnamesiske krige ; Yemens krige ; Zambiase krige ; Zimbabwes krige ; Ækvatorial Guineaske krige ; Østriske krige ; Østtimorske krige.


Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Rupert Colville
Geneva , 15 October 2019
Since the Turkish military offensive began on 9 October, we have verified a number of civilian casualties each day as a result of airstrikes, ground-based strikes and sniper fire. The worst incident we are aware of so far, which we are still seeking to fully verify, is a report that at least four civilians, including two journalists, were killed and tens of others injured when a convoy of vehicles was hit by a Turkish airstrike. The attack reportedly took place on the Tel-Tamor - Ras al-Ain Highway on Sunday (13 October).
The Turkish authorities have reported that 18 civilians have been killed in Turkey, including a nine-month-old baby, by cross-border mortar and sniper fire by Kurdish fighters, since this new conflict started last week.
We have received reports and viewed two separate pieces of video footage showing what appear to be summary executions carried out by fighters belonging to the Ahrar al-Sharqiya armed group, which is affiliated with Turkey, on 12 October. One of the videos – both of which have been widely shared on social media – seems to show the fighters filming themselves capturing and executing three Kurdish captives on the al-Hassakeh – Manbij (M4) Highway. Only one of the captives appeared to be wearing military uniform.
On the same day, we received reports indicating that a well-known Kurdish female politician, Hevrin Khalaf, was also executed on the same highway, apparently also by Ahrar al-Sharqiya fighters.
Civilians, as well as all hors de combat individuals such as captured fighters, are to be protected. Under international human rights and international humanitarian law, summary executions are serious violations – and may amount to a war crime. Turkey could be deemed responsible as a State for violations committed by their affiliated armed groups, as long as Turkey exercises effective control over these groups, or the operations in the course of which those violations occurred.
We are continuing to gather information about both these serious violations, and we urge the Turkish authorities to immediately launch an impartial, transparent and independent investigation into both incidents, and to apprehend those responsible, some of whom should be easily identifiable from the video footage they themselves shared on social media.
We are also appalled to learn of further attacks that affected medical facilities, which have been a particular and persistent feature of the conflict in Syria. As of yesterday, we had received reports of five such attacks: on 11 October, four health facilities were damaged as a result of what were alleged to be airstrikes and ground-based strikes by Turkish forces and affiliated armed groups in the areas of Ras al-Ain, Ain al-Arab, Tel Abyad and al-Malikya; and the following day, 12 October, a medical point belonging to the Kurdish Red Crescent was directly hit and damaged by an airstrike. Reports received by the UN Human Rights Office indicated that the Kurdish de facto authorities have relocated hospital equipment that ceased to function in al-Hassakeh and Ar-Raqqa Governorates because of the ongoing intensified bombardment.
We are also receiving reports of other attacks on civilian infrastructure, including power lines, water supplies and bakeries.
The Turco-Mongol Invasions and the Lords of Armenia in the 13th-14th Centuries. / Robert Bedrosian. Columbia University, 1979.
'Robert Bedrosian's Ph.D. dissertation (Columbia University, 1979), Zipped HTML files, or pdf format available. This study has two principal aims. A review of the salient political and military events associated with the Turco-Mongol invasions of Armenia is one aim. Who were the invaders, and in what ways were they alike and dissimilar?
The second aim of the study is an examination of the impact(s) of the invasions and domination(s) of the 13 -14th centuries on Armenia's lordly naxarar rulers. While many aspects of both areas of investigation (i.e, regarding the invasions and dominations and their impacts) have already been examined by scholars, to the present no single study has focussed on the invasions of Armenia as phenomena. Similarly, while diverse aspects of Armenia's socio-eonomic and political history in the 13-14th centuries have been examined by others, no single study of the lordly heads of that society has as yet been undertaken. The present work, therefore, attempts to fill a void existing in Armenian scholarship. It is hoped that this study will likewise serve as an introduction to 13-14th century Armenian history for Western scholars, to whom Armenia in this period has remained terra incognita. '
Green F.V. The Russian Army and Its Campaigns in Turkey in 1877–78 (New York 1879).
Den kolde krig / the Cold War
Tyrkiet var medlem af CENTO. Trumandoktrinen. Treaty of Friendship and Collaboration Between the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, the Kingdom of Greece and The Turkish Republic, Signed at Ankara, on 28 February 1953.
Der er amerikanske flybaser og kernevåben i Tyrkiet ved Incirlik. De amerikanske Thor mellemdistaneraketter i Tyrkiet blev i 1960erneskiftet ud med Polaris ubåde der blev stationeret i Middelhavet. Nu er der, ifølge , U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe A Review of Post-Cold War Policy, Force Levels, and War Planning 2005, 90 amerikanske atombomber i Tyrkiet The status of U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey. By Alexandra Bell and Benjamin Loehrke. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,november 2009.
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