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Yemens krige

Yemen deltagelse i krige / Participation in wars / Participation à des guerres / La participación en las guerras / Beteiligung an Kriegen
Hunger Kills a Yemeni Child Under 5 Every 10 minutes in Yemen
Middle East Information, New Media and Technology, Al Bawaba. November 24th, 2019
The Yemeni minister of public health and population says it is estimated that every 10 minutes a child under the age of five dies from extreme hunger in the conflict-plagued and impoverished Arab country, warning that the ongoing Saudi-led blockade is also taking a heavy toll on newborn babies.
Estimated 8.4 million people already on verge of starvation. / : Heba Kanso.
BEIRUT, July 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Yemen is close to famine after a 25-percent increase in levels of severe hunger this year and an offensive on the main port city of Hodeida, a lifeline for millions, humanitarian organisations warned on monday.
Thousands more people have been displaced by the conflict and many are having to skip meals and beg on the streets, they said, with an estimated 8.4 million people already on the verge of starvation.
Leder: Opløsning i Yemen. I: Information, 31. januar 2018.
Leder: Massakren på Yemen. I: Information, 9. Juni 2018.
Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: The Corporate Connection.
/ : William D. Hartung and Derek Paulhus.
Arms and Security Project, Center for International Policy, 2017.
CRS: The War in Yemen: A Compilation of Legislation in the 115th Congress. / : Jeremy M. Sharp ; Christopher M. Blanchard, 2017.
Yemen at war. / : Yago Zayed and Ben Smith.
The House of Commons Library, 2016.
'Jeg er chokeret over omfanget af alvorlige krænkelser begået af parterne i konflikten i mange tilfælde, herunder Afghanistan, Irak, Somalia, Sydsudan, Syrien og Yemen '.
/ 'I am shocked by the scale of the grave violations committed by parties to conflict in many situations, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen'.
Children and armed conflict. / : Report of the Secretary-General United Nations. General Assembly, Security Council. 2016.
Annex I
List of parties that recruit or use children, kill or maim children, commit rape and other forms of sexual violence against children, or engage in attacks on schools and/or hospitals, or abduct children in situations of armed conflict on the agenda of the Security Council.
Parties in Yemen
1. Houthis/Ansar Allah
2. Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula/Ansar al-Sharia
3. Government forces, including the Yemeni Armed Forces, the First Armoured Division, the Military Police, the special security forces and Republican Guards
4. Pro-Government militias, including the Salafists and Popular Committees
5. Saudi Arabia-led coalition
U.S. Central Command Announces Yemen Counterterrorism Strikes
From a U.S. Central Command News Release
TAMPA, Fla., May 9, 2016 — The U.S. military has conducted four counterterrorism airstrikes against the al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula terrorist organization in Yemen in recent weeks, killing 10 al-Qaida operatives and injuring one, U.S. Central Command officials announced May 6.

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Dutch arms trade with coalition forces in the Yemen war.
Stop Wapenhandel, 2015.
Yemen: Bombing of MSF hospital may amount to a war crime
Amnesty International Newsflash 27 October 2015
The apparently deliberate targeting and destruction of a hospital supported by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in northern Yemen last night, which may amount to a war crime, demands an urgent, independent and thorough investigation, Amnesty International said today.
According to sources on the ground, at around 11.30 pm on 26 October the Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces allegedly carried out up to six consecutive airstrikes on Haydan Hospital, located in the Haydan Directorate in Sa’da governorate. The hospital had more than 20 people inside at the time, including three patients and various medical and other staff members. Seven staff members were injured, but could not be taken to another hospital 60km away in Sa’da until 7am due to fears of further strikes.
“The attack on Haydan Hospital appears to have been an unlawful attack causing harm to civilians and civilian objects. The consecutive airstrikes show deliberate targeting of the medical facility - this is another sad day for civilians,” said Philip Luther, Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.
“Hospitals and medical units must be respected and protected in all circumstances - they only lose their protection against attack if they are used for military purposes - and the destruction of this one means the loss of vital humanitarian treatment for civilians across four directorates of northern Yemen".
MSF staff confirmed the attack, saying they witnessed two consecutive airstrikes before fleeing the hospital compound. Three to four further airstrikes were reported, coming around five minutes apart. According to Hassan Boucenine, MSF head of mission in Yemen, the Saudi Arabia-led coalition has the coordinates of all MSF hospitals in Yemen, including Haydan Hospital.
According to the hospital’s director Dr Ali al-Mughli, the hospital is now completely destroyed with the exception of the storage rooms. He said that while the hospital often receives injured fighters, there was no military activity in the hospital at the time of the attack.
Haydan is 60km south-west of Sa'da city, where the injured have now been taken. Dr Ali said there was a delay in taking them to the city’s al-Jamhouri hospital because airstrikes have been targeting convoys of people, meaning that even ambulances are not safe. The hospital also lost 60 litres of petrol and 1,000 litres of diesel in the strike, a huge loss at a time when fuel supplies are scarce.
This is not the first strike on a hospital in Sa'da since the Saudi Arabia-led coalition’s military intervention in Yemen began last March. On 4 September 2015, the coalition reportedly bombed al-Sh’ara hospital in Razih, in the west of Sa’da governorate, resulting in the killing of six patients and the injury of six others. MSF personnel who visited the site afterwards said there was no evidence that the hospital was being used for any military purposes.
“We call on all parties to the conflict to respect and protect medical personnel and units and take every precaution to protect civilians caught up in the conflict. There must be an independent investigation into why hospitals and their patients are being targeted, rather than protected, as international humanitarian law requires,” said Philip Luther.
GAO: Yemen: DOD Should Improve Accuracy of Its Data on Congressional Clearance of Projects as It Reevaluates Counterterrorism Assistance, GAO-15-493, April 28, 2015.
Death by Drone: Civilian Harm Caused by U.S. Targeted Killings in Yemen. Open Society Justice Initiative, April 2015
“Between a Drone and Al-Qaeda” : The Civilian Cost of US Targeted Killings in Yemen.
The 97-page report examines six US targeted killings in Yemen, one from 2009 and the rest from 2012-2013. Two of the attacks killed civilians indiscriminately in clear violation of the laws of war; the others may have targeted people who were not legitimate military objectives or caused disproportionate civilian deaths.
'The US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), which is a semi-covert arm of the military, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are estimated by research groups to have carried out 81 targeted killing operations in Yemen: one in 2002 and the rest since 2009. The strikes by drones, warplanes or cruise missiles by various counts have killed at least 473 combatants and civilians. The United States has also carried out hundreds of targeted killing operations, primarily by drones, in Pakistan and a small number of such strikes in Somalia.'
Stansfield, G. R. V. (2001) 'The 1995-96 Yemen-Eritrea coflict over the Islands of Hanish and Jabal Zuqar : a geopolitical analysis.', Working Paper. University of Durham, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Durham.
Department of Defense, DoD USS Cole Commission Report, Executive Summary, January 9, 2001. In: The September 11th Sourcebooks. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 55 Edited by Jeffrey Richelson and Michael L. Evans. September 21, 2001.

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