anarki ; anarkisme

Græsk: Uden en leder, regering; procedure til at løse konflikter uden for retten.
Utopisk, antimilitaristisk, revolutionær politisk filosofi som søger politisk retfærdighed ved afskaffelse af statsmagtens autoritet, uretfærdige love og kapitalisme gennem selvforvaltning.
Der har været eller er arnarkistiske bevægelser i bl.a. Frankrig, Rusland, Sovjetunionen, Spanien, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland, Ukraine, Østrig og USA.
Blandt anarkistiske tidsskrifter kan nævnes: Anarkisten (1907-1908) Brand, 1898 [Haves: ABA], Individet (1908), International Journal of Anarchism, Skorpionen (1905-1907).
Blandt anarkister kan nævnes: C. J. Björklund, Kees Boeke, Fritz Brupbacher, April Carter, Noam Chomsky, Dorothy Day, the Diggers ; William Godwin, Emma Goldman, Rudolf Grossmann, Jean Jean Ibsen, Albert Jensen, Hans Jærger, Fritz Kater, Peter Kropotkin, Bart de Ligt, Errico Malatestra, Ben Mandl, Friederich Nietzsche, Domela Niewenhuis, Carl Heinrich Petersen, Rudolf Oestreich, Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Eliseé Reclus, Rudolph Rocker, Jean-René Sauliere, Tony Smythe, Augustin Souchy, Max Stirner, Henry David Thoreau og Leo Tolstoj ; tolstojisme.
Se også: anarkosocialisme ; anarkosyndikalisme ; Fredsvagten ved Christiansborg ; fritænkere ; kynisme ; nihilisme ; provo ; rådsbevægelse ; socialisme ; syndikalisme.


Bibliografie Nestor Machno, de Machnovstsjina en het Platform.
An investigation into the emergence of the anarcho-punk scene of the 1980s. / : M Dines. PhD thesis, University of Salford, UK. 2004 -
'This thesis aims to investigate the way in which anarchism - both as a means of theoretical political dissent as well as a practical tool of shock - was transformed from the `chaotic' intent of first wave punk towards a more informed political ideology in the emerging `anarcho-punk' scene of the 1980s. In particular, I wish to explore the way in which ideas surrounding `anarcho' and `punk' were fused together so as to provide a space where individuals could develop a more `informed lifestyle' in expressing a subversive distaste towards corporate forms of oppression such as multinationals, governments and the police. Chapter one will provide an overview of punk within a wider history of political and philosophical dissent, exploring ideas that link it to a continuing thread of agitation akin to groups such as the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Situationism. This debate will be further explored in chapter two. With particular attention to the music of the Sex Pistols, I wish to explore the extent to which the break down of the post-war consensus, and the resultant economic crisis in Britain in the 1970s, nurtured a social, political and musical environment for first wave punk to flourish. The anarcho-punk scene proper is introduced in the main body of this work. Here, I will turn primarily to the way in which the musical characteristics of the anarchopunk movement encompass the twin ideals of `punk' and `anarchism' so as to provide a new form of organised dissent towards a capitalist system seen to embody oppression and uniformity. In particular, I wish to explore the extent to which the practical realities of applying a complex political system such as anarchism had repercussions on the transformation of the British punk scene as a whole.'
Chomsky, Noam: Notes on Anarchism (1970).
Godwin, William: An Inquiry Concerning Political Justice. 1793.
Lakey, Georg: Manifest for ikkevoldelig revolution.
- København : Ikkevold, 1972. - 60 s.
Mancho, Nestor: Den russiske revolution i Ukraina, Marts 1917 april 1918.
- Oslo : Fri socialismes forlag, 1933. - 290 s.
Rocker, Rudolph: Anarchism : Its Aims and Purposes; The Proletariat and the Beginning of the Modern Labour Movement; The Forerunners of Syndicalism; The Objectives of Anarcho-Syndicalism; The Methods of Anarcho-Syndicalism; The Evolution of Anarcho-Syndicalism. - London : Martin Secker and Warburg, 1938
Russell, Bertrand: Veje til Frihed : Socialisme, Anarkisme, Syndikalisme.
- København : Martin, 1919. - 138 s.
Sampson, Ronald: The Anarchist Basis of Pacifism. - London : PPU, 1963?
Trier, Gerson: Anarkismen. I: Tilskueren, 1894.

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