Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 9. Oktober 2012 / Time Line October 9, 2012

Version 3.5

8. Oktober 2012, 10. Oktober 2012

Det internationale Forsoningsforbund grundlægges i den hollandske by Bilthoven, 1919.

Party Leaders Propose Scottish Constitutional Ban on Nukes
A constitution developed for a post-secession Scotland could demand that all nuclear weapons be removed from the country, the Sunday Herald reported.
The Scottish National Party hopes that a 2014 referendum will allow Scotland to become completely independent of the United Kingdom. Should that occur, the party then wants to eject the Vanguard-class submarines and nuclear-tipped missiles now kept at bases at Faslane and Coulport "There would be a constitutional provision that weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, would be illegal under the terms of the constitution," according to one high-level party insider. "It underlines the absolute commitment of the SNP to removing nuclear weapons. Angus wants to underline the point that NATO membership would be conditional on Scotland not having nuclear weapons", writes Global Security Newswire

Den internationale børnefredspris kandidat Malala
Yousafzai skudt

14-årige Malala Yousafzai kæmper for sit liv på et hospital i Pakistan, efter at hun tidligere på ugen blev skudt af Taliban terrorister.
Børnesagsforkæmperen Yousafzai blev internationalt kendt, da hun for tre år siden skrev en blog hos britiske BBC. Her beskrev hun, hvordan Taliban brændte pigeskoler ned og begik overgreb mod befolkningen i Swat-dalen. Den 14-årige pige modtog sidste år Pakistans første nationale fredspris / National Peace Award og blev desuden nomineret til den internationale børnefredspris af organisationen Kids Rights Foundation i 2011.

Children’s Peace Prize nominee Malala Yousafzai shot
By: KidsRights -
14 year old Malala Yousafzai, one of the 2011 nominees for the International Children’s Peace Prize, was severely injured in her hometown in the Swat Valley, Pakistan.
Malala was attacked along with 2 other girls on their way back from school. She was shot in the head and the neck, but successfully operated on in the hospital. The attack has already been claimed by the Taliban.
In 2011, Malala became one of the nominees for the International Children’s Peace Prize for her brave efforts to defend the basic rights of children in Pakistan, namely the right of girls to education. Malala is one of the few who stood up against the Talibanisation. She raised her voice for girls education, something the Taliban in her country tried to get banned. This makes her extremely brave but also vulnerable.
KidsRights strongly resents this attack against Malala. The rights of children should be respected everywhere in the world and children who actively promote them, should be honoured and listened to. Malala did not win the International Children’s Peace Prize 2011, but was awarded the National Peace Award by the Pakistan government that same year.
The International Children’s Peace Prize is presented annually to an exceptional child, whose courageous or otherwise remarkable acts and thoughts have made a difference in countering problems, which affect children around the world. The prize is an initiative of the Dutch organisation KidsRights and was launched during 2005 Nobel Peace Laureates’ Summit by Mikhail Gorbachev.




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