Skotland / Scotland

Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krigsdeltagelse ; kultur ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; kernevåben ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography, nature and climate, demographics, history, wars, war participation, culture, music, politics, political parties, defense, peace movements, religion, social issues, education, economy.
Géographie, la nature, la démographie, histoire, la participation des guerre la culture, la politique, partis politiques, la défense, les mouvements pacifistes, la religion, les questions sociales, l'éducation, économie.
Geografía, naturaleza, demografía, historia, guerra participación, cultura, política, Los partidos políticos, defensa, movimientos por la paz, la religión, las cuestiones sociales, la educación, la economía
Geographie, Natur, Demographie, Geschichte, Kriegesbeteiligung, Kultur, Politik, politische Parteien, Verteidigung, Friedensbewegungen, Religion, Soziales, Bildung, Wirtschaft.
Europæisk historisk, 843-1707, britisk stat med selvstyre.
European historical, 843-1707, British state with self-government.
Historique de l'Europe, 843-1707, Etat britannique à l'autonomie gouvernemen.
Histórica europea, 843-1707, estado británico con autogobierno.
Europäische historische, 843-1707, britische Staat mit Selbstverwaltung.
Geografi: Skotland er en nordeuropæisk selvstyreområde med grænse til England og søgrænser til Atlanterhavet - herunder GIUK-passagen, Det Irske Hav, Nordkanalen, Nordsøen. Hebriderne. Orkneyøerne. Shetlandsøerne.
Atlas of Europe.
Skotlands kultur:
Mackay, Charles: A Dictionary of Lowland Scotch, with an introductory chapter on the poetry, humor, and literary history of the Scottish language and an appendix of Scottish proverbs.
- London Whittaker, 1888.
Jamieson, John: An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language, illustrating the words in their different significations by examples from ancient and modern writers I-II.
- Edinburgh : Printed at the University Press for W. Creech, 1808. - 756+750 s.
- og ,
Massemedier og pressefrihed / Mass media and freedom of the press:
Biblioteksvæsen / Libraries. Bogvæsen / Books:
National Library of Scotland -
Glasgow Women’s Library
Aviser / Newspapers / journaux / Prensa / Tageszeitungen
Tidsskrifter, periodica / Journals, periodicals / Revues spécialisées, périodiques / Revistas, publicaciones periódicas / Zeitschriften, Periodika
Litteratur: Robert Burns, 1759-1796 - digter, folkemindesamler og sangskriver.
Folk tales from Scotland / retold by Philippa Galloway and illustrated by Walter J. R. Cook.
- London : Collins, c1943. - 119 s.
Dixon, William Macneile: The Edinburgh book of Scottish verse, 1300-1900.
- London Meiklejohn and Holden, 1910. - 974 s.
A Literary History of Scotland. / : John Hepburn Millar.
- New York : Charles Scribner's Sons 1903. - 733 s.
Veitch, John: The history and poetry of the Scottish border: their main features and relations.
- Edinburgh : Blackwood, 1893.
Kunst / Art, herunder Art nouveau 1890-1910
Film / Movies / cinéma / Cine / Filme:
Undervisning i film:
Scottish Screen Archive
International organisering
Skotland er medlem af....
Forsvar / militær:
Der var amerikanske atomvåben i Skotland under Den kolde krig: the US Navy base: Dunoon og Holy Loch 1961-1992.
Der er britiske kernevåben i Skotland:
Coulport - Loch Long. lager for atombomber.
HM Royal Navy Clyde Sub Base - Faslane, Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, atomubådsbase
Tackling Trident ; Academics in action through Academic Conference Blockades. / : Edited by Stellan Vinthagen, Justin Kenrick and Kelvin Mason.
- Sparnäs : Irene Publishing, 2012; Resistance Studies Series).
The Working Group on Scotland Without Nuclear Weapons: Report to Scottish Ministers. 2009. - 79 s.
Fortress Scotland.
- Glasgow: Scottish CND, 2004.
'Depleted Uranium (Shelling)
Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.--[Mrs. McGuire.]
10 pm
Mr. Alasdair Morgan (Galloway and Upper Nithsdale): I am very glad to have this opportunity, which has perhaps come rather earlier than I expected, to raise in an Adjournment debate a matter of increasing concern to many of my constituents. It relates mainly to the test firing of depleted uranium shells from the Ministry of Defence base at Dundrennan, which lies on the Solway estuary in Kirkcudbrightshire in my constituency and which is now run by the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency.
My first foray into that area was in April 1998, when I asked a question about the firing of such shells at the range. The answer from Sir John Chisholm, chief executive of DERA, was that 6,255 shells had been fired at Dundrennan since 1982 and that four had been recovered--not 4,000 or 400, but four. To bring these figures up to date, 6,907 shells have now been fired at Dundrennan. Following national press stories, which sought to link depleted uranium to Gulf war syndrome, I wrote to Lord Robertson, who was then Secretary of State for Defence, on l December 1998, asking for action to be taken to recover the shells. I received a reply from the then Minister for the Armed Forces, the hon. Member for Newcastle upon Tyne, North (Mr. Henderson), stating that DERA
"does not currently have a programme in place to recover DU projectiles from the Solway Firth, nor does it intend to initiate such a programme." I am interested in how many depleted uranium shells the MOD needs. In the Gulf war, 100 rounds were used against the Iraqis and some rounds were used during training in Saudi Arabia. Regardless of the argument about whether or not depleted uranium should be used, if we are going to use only approximately 100 rounds, do we really need to test 7,000 rounds? The United Kingdom has fired 70 times as much depleted uranium at Dundrennan as it did in the Gulf war. In asking those questions, I am well aware that a culture of secrecy seems to surround such matters, which only adds to the suspicion of many people about the actions of the MOD.
One example in relation to Dundrennan will suffice. In January 2000, the hon. Member for Blaenau Gwent (Mr. Smith) asked a parliamentary question relating to meetings between DERA and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. He was informed by the hon. Member for Liverpool, Walton (Mr. Kilfoyle) that he was withholding details of such a meeting under
"Exception 2 . . . of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information."--[Official Report, 28 January 2000; Vol. 343, c. 382W.]
Paramilitære styrker:
Sociale bevægelser, herunder miljøorganisationer:
Scottish Palestinian Forum Scottish Women's Aid 1973-. Socialist Women's Network
Sociale forhold:
The Scottish Recovery Network.
Recovering mental health in Scotland: from social movement to policy goal. /: Jennifer Smith-Merry, Steve Sturdy, Richard Freeman. Know & Pol 2010. - 50 s.
James Bruce 1730–1794
- Murray, Alexander: Account of the life and writings of James Bruce ... author of Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, & 1773.
- Edinburgh : A. Constable and Company; [etc., etc.], 1808. - 542 s.
Lewis Fry Richardson 1881-1953.
Richardson, L F (1993). Ashford, Oliver M; Charnock H; Drazin, P G; Hunt, J C R; Smoker, P, Sutherland, Ian. ed. The Collected Papers of Lewis Fry Richardson, Volume 1: Meteorology and numerical analysis.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - ISBN 978-0-521-38297-7. 1030 pp; Volume 2: Quantitative psychology and studies of conflict. - ISBN 978-0-521-38298-4 778 pp.
Joseph Lister.
Offentlige myndigheder
Private organisationer:
Udenrigshandel / Foreign trade / Commerce extérieur / Außenhandel
the 2002 Albania Living Standards Measurement Survey
Handelshistorie: Macpherson, David. Annals of Commerce, Manufactures, Fisheries, and Navigation: With Brief Notices of the Arts and Sciences Connected with Them: Containing the Commercial Transactions of the British Empire and Other Countries, from the Earliest Accounts to the Meeting of the Union Parliament in January 1801: And Comprehending the Most Valuable Part of the Late Mr. Andersen’s History of Commerce with a Large Appendix, containing chronological tables of the sovereigns of Europe, tables of the alterations of money in England and Scotland, a chronological table of the prices of corn, and a commercial and manufactural gazetteer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; with a general chronological index and a commercial and manufactural gazetteer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; with a general chronological index. The Ancient Part composed from the most authentic Original Historians and Public Records, printed and in Manuscript ; and the modern Part from Materials of unquestionable Authenticity (mostly unpublished) extracted from the Records of Parliament, the Accounts of the Custom-house, the Mint, the Board of Trade, the Post- office, the East-India Company, the Bank of England, &c. &c., I-IV.
- London: Nichols and Son etc., 1805.- 772+758+748+764 s.
'For the first volume, up to the discovery of America, Macpherson is wholly responsible. In the second and part of the third volumes (1492-1760) he merely edits and alters Adam Anderson's History of commerce. The remainder of the work, bringing the history down to 1801, was compiled by Macpherson from official records'.
BNP - , landbrug, fiskeri, industri.
Naturresourcer: Kul, olie og naturgas.
Erhverv, handel og industri:
Skibe og våben
Lad ikke Upper Clyde synke! / : Dea Trier Mørch og Troels Trier. Forlaget Tiden, 1973.
Tegneserie om et skotsk skibsværfts overlevelseskamp mod kapitalen. Først vist som tegnefilm i tv jan. 73, siden omarbejdet til tegneserie.

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