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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 29. April 2006 / Time Line April 29, 2006

Version 3.0

28. April 2006, 30. April 2006

The US Native American Holocaust Memorial Day.

Hollywood A-Listers join the "March for Peace" -- Academy Award Winners Susan Sarandon, Mercedes Ruehl; Director, Jonathan Demme
All eyes will be on New York City tomorrow as thousands of activist groups, students, families, and children from across the country will converge to tell President Bush: We've had enough.
President Bush continues to stand behind an unjust war while our daughters and sons suffer in battle. Our immigrant community is outraged at the Republican-led Congress for the passage of a compassionless immigration bill, and just today President Bush angered the immigrant community again by saying the national anthem should be sung only in English. We have had enough.
Momentum is growing quickly as the organizers of the March for Peace, Justice & Democracy expect a massive turnout at tomorrow's march in New York City. And, we're getting help with some heavy-hitters from Hollywood, well-known activists, national and local organizations to get our point across. These people celebrities and leaders feel so strongly about the misguided direction of our country that they are lending their names and voices to demand peace and democracy.
A partial list of speakers and leaders from numerous organizations expected to speak at the press conference Saturday, April 29 at 11 am include:
Brent Blackwell, President of Friends of the Earth
Leslie Cagan, National Coordinator, United for Peace and Justice
Ju Bum Cha, Empowering the Korean American Community
Chevy Chase, Actor
Jonathan Demme, Academy Award winning Director
Kim Gandy, President of National Organization for Women
Grannies for Peace
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Reverend Jesse Jackson, President of Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
Military Families Speak Out
U.S. Representative Charles Rangel
Mercedes Ruehl, Academy Award winning Actress
Susan Sarandon, Academy Award winning Actress
Cindy Sheehan, Activist
Roger Toussaint, President of Local 100 Transit Worker's Union
Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, Clergy and Laity Concerned About Iraq
Veterans for Peace
John Wilhelm, President of UNITE-HERE
Members of Congress
Members of the New York City Council
Speakers and other leaders will be available for one-on-one interviews.
The contingents will gather starting at 10:30 am in the area stretching from 7th Avenue to Park Avenue South and 18th to 22nd Streets. The march will step off at 12 noon, and proceed south on Broadway to Foley Square for the Peace and Justice Grassroots Action Festival, ending at 6:00 pm.
Indy Media Photos from A29 Demo in NYC



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