Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 28. April 2006 / Time Line April 28, 2006

Version 3.0

27. April 2006, 29. April 2006

Nuclear Weapons Abolition Day grundlagt af Mayors for Peace 2003.

Latino Mercenaries for Bush
By: Saul Landau
Canadian Dimension; Mar/Apr2006, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p44-47, 4p, 1bw
Not Enough Troops to Occupy Two Places Teens No Longer Falling for Recruiter's Line Looking South for Soldiers Outsourcing the War Recruiting Across Latin America Mercenaries Wanted A Growing Private Army Hope and Anger
In the faculty dining room at the California State University where I teach, a Mexican-American woman places the thin slice of turkey on the bread to make my sandwich. The stress lines that radiate down from her high cheekbones twitch as she tells me politely that she's fine. One of her sons is in Afghanistan, she reports. The other will leave tomorrow for Iraq. "I pray every day," she says, smearing the mayonnaise on the other slice of bread.
"Why did the kids join the military?"
"The older joined the National Guard," she informs me, with still a trace of an accent. "He thought he wouldn't see real action. The other one just wanted to fight overseas." She smiles, resigned to her lack of control over adolescents growing up in a combat culture. "He's a good boy, but believes what the whatcha-call'em guys told him ­ you know, the ones that look for kids to join up?"
I ask how she feels.
"I ask God to return them to me," she says. "Do you think they'll be alright?"
"I hope they will," I say. "But I don't know."
"What can I do to bring them home? I'm desperate."
Desperation describes the mood of hundreds of thousands of Latino parents whose kids serve in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. It also describes the current behaviour of the rich and confident managers of the U.S. empire, who, in less than three years, have gotten almost 200,000 young men and women stuck in two quagmires without an exit strategy.
Not Enough Troops to Occupy Two Places
Bush's Middle East wars and the subsequent occupation of large countries by the U.S. military and the National Guard have not only divided the nation and fomented deep anti-American sentiment throughout the world; they have also strained the resources of the mighty Pentagon. The 2005-06 "Defence Budget" of $640-billion-plus (counting the intelligence budget) comes to almost twice what the rest of the world spends on "defence."
Until the 21st-century Middle East wars, the military casually filled its recruiting quota from amongst poor youth around the country. National Guard service appeared attractive, since the chances of having ever to engage in an actual war seemed remote to hundreds of thousands of volunteers.
That all changed quickly after Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and discovered that he did not have enough troops to occupy both places. So, he called up the Guard and launched an aggressive recruiting campaign. But news of the growing count of dead and wounded filtered through the administration's optimistic spin, and even the least informed and usually gullible teenagers began to think twice about "joining up."
In order to get the young flesh "to serve" without the draft in the almost two-million-strong armed forces, the Pentagon raised salaries and increased benefits. From top to bottom, military salaries jumped between three and four times in less than 20 years. In 1981, a private, the lowest rank, earned less than $4,500 a year. Today that same rank comes with a salary of almost $15,000. A corporal, two short grades up, leaped from $5,000 to $22,000. In addition, he or she gets free food, housing and clothing ­ uniform ­ and discounts on most consumer goods.
Officers, many without post-graduate levels of formal education, can earn up to $125,000 and enjoy the privileges of elite clubs, like ski resorts in the Alps, and have private jets at their service. High-ranking officers have servants and other perks. For the first time in its history, the United States has a large, standing professional army.
Teens No Longer Falling for Recruiter's Line Yet, in 2003, despite increases in salaries, bonuses and other promises of free education and training offered by the armed forces, the recruiters fell short of their quotas. The once-easily gulled teenagers who fell for the slogan "Be all you can be in the Army" began to feel the sway of opposite stories, of how friends and family members got killed or permanently disabled by IEDS (improvised explosive devices). The body count and the number of wounded kept rising. By mid-October, almost 2,000 U.S. servicemen and women had died, with estimates of more than 20,000 wounded.
"As dimwitted as American teenagers are," a Mexican-American army recruiter confessed to me in June in Pomona, California, "they're not stupid enough to fall for the crap we're selling to get them to go to Iraq or Afghanistan. Don't quote me."
I'm quoting him, but omitting his name and rank. His parents came from Sinaloa and settled in San Bernardino, where he grew up and decided to make an Army career after he dropped out of high school. "It pays okay and I don't work too hard. I'd rather be here than in Iraq or Afghanistan. I'll tell you that."
Next to his recruiting table outside the university student centre, some undergraduates had set up a "decruiting" table offering prospective recruits "the facts about the U.S. military," including the numbers of dead and wounded that the two wars had already exacted. In addition, the anti-military students "clarified" some of the Army's offers of big loans and other supposed benefits, which they claimed were far less than the military promised. They had statements from some returning wounded veterans to the effect that the Army had docked their pay and cut their benefits.
Looking South for Soldiers
Faced with shortages of manpower, the ever-inventive Pentagon began to look abroad for fresh meat to send to Iraq. The closest neighbours to the south make an ideal recruitment arena ­ widespread poverty and unemployment. The armed forces offer citizenship to "illegals" who enlist.
In addition, young Latin American men will cost the Pentagon much less than homegrown soldiers, just as they do when they work in the maquilas (foreign-owned factories that produce goods mainly for the U.S. market) rather than in U.S. factories.
Like the maquila owners, who engage contractors to find them workers for their factories, the Pentagon also hires companies ­ American ones, of course ­ to find "outsourced mercenaries" for the Iraq occupation. Like the outsourcing of other jobs, Third World people take positions once held by Americans at much lower wages ­ but higher than they could make at home.
For "illegal" Mexicans, or those who want a quick route to citizenship, the military holds a strong attraction. Since Mexico provides the closest and most logical recruiting arena, Mexican "illegals" numerically outstrip all other Latin Americans living in the United States ­ and in Iraq itself. Some 8,000 Mexicans have now volunteered for official military service.
Mexicans and those of Mexican descent make up more than half of the approximately 110,000 Latinos (the rest mostly Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Central Americans) currently serving in the U.S. military. In addition, almost 25,000 more Mexicans have enlisted as a means of obtaining U.S. citizenship. "Coyotes" smuggled some of these Mexicans ­ who never had any "legal" documents ­ into the country as children.
The recruiters target high schools with heavy populations of Mexican descent. The Marines have had particular success in their forceful publicity campaign. They claim that youth of Mexican origin make up 13 per cent of the Corps. But that high percentage of Latinos also shows up in the high dead and wounded count.
Outsourcing the War
If U.S. corporations can outsource jobs, why can't the Pentagon outsource war? For much of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, U.S. troops invaded Latin America. Indeed, not one country in the hemisphere has escaped the presence of uninvited U.S. troops. Now, the United States recruits Latin American troops to train in its homeland bases and then ship to the Middle East.
In late February, Salvadoran President Elias Antonio Saca unashamedly welcomed "his heroes," a unit of soldiers returning from Iraq. Then he thanked President Bush while school kids recruited for the ceremony waved flags ­ U.S. and Salvadoran.
These "coalition of the willing" troops represented the pay-off for bribes offered by Washington to the rest of Latin America. Most presidents did not bite. But those in Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama did offer token forces. But most of the willing became unwilling when the occupation of Iraq turned into a sticky situation and the elaborate promises made by Bush didn't materialize. El Salvador, with some 340 soldiers troops left in Iraq, is the only Latin American country to remain in the coalition.
As most other nations withdrew their troops, and as U.S. National Guard members began serving longer tours of duty (much to the dismay of their families), recruiters found El Salvador a fertile recruiting ground.
Recruiting Across Latin America
By paying Latino Americans trained in firearms and other repressive skills up to $3,000 a month, the Pentagon's private recruiting companies flesh out its ranks in Iraq. They're "having no problem finding recruits," said Dan Broidy, author of The Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money. He estimates the United States has hired more than one private security professional for every ten American soldiers in Iraq.
Contractors and even subcontractors have also recruited in Chile, Colombia, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Because these countries have all trained huge numbers of young men in the "science" of killing, and other police and military-related activities, they make ideal pools for Iraq headhunters.
But in May, 2003, no one expected to outsource the war. Indeed, the White House heavies expected Iraqis to throw kisses and flowers at them ­ not a prolonged occupation that turned into a mass graveyard and mutilation arena for U.S. servicemen and women. Bush's triumphal "Mission Accomplished" speech on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln did not prepare the nation for the sobering facts that gradually began to leak into the media.
Even before the bloody November, 2004 battle of Fallujah, which exacted a heavy toll, Mexican families began to feel the pain of war. The dead, and the legless, armless, eyeless and brain-dead wounded, began to come home. On both sides of the Rio Grande, Mexican parents shared a common anguish.
One hundred and twenty-two Latinos were among the first 1,000 U.S. casualties in Iraq. Seventy of them were of Mexican descent.
Mercenaries Wanted
Far from the recruiting tables on high-school and college campuses, Internet ads and word of mouth through military and ex-military clubs have led to the recruitment of Colombiaan gunmen for work in Iraq. The Internet is loaded with such opportunities ­ like this one from Hostile Control Tactics LLC of Fairfax, Virginia: "We are seeking talented individuals willing and capable of working as a Protective Security Specialist in a high risk environment. (Must be willing to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan for 3mo., 6mo., and up to 1 year). Immediate Openings ­ Effective in September 2005 APPLY VIA OUR WEBSITE
Skills required: Individuals with prior military, law enforcement and close protection/body-guarding experience preferred."
Another ad ­ on ­ tells job seekers: "Your New career in IRAQ starts here. Posting your resume on Iraqi Job Center, you are taking the first step to a great new career! Post your profile and resume for FREE and find the perfect job!"
On May 15, in the "Jobs Wanted" section of Epi Security and Investigation Company's website, Pedro Buenano of Ecuador described himself as "Mercenary, payed [sic] killer." He would accept work in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and, of course, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Epi is based in Manta, Ecuador, and is managed by Jeffrey Shippy, a U.S. citizen. In the case of, its website claims that it "is owned and run by the private Dutch company NOURAS. Iraqi job center offers its service for free for job seekers and employers."
According to Pascale Mariani and Roméo Langlois, writing in the August 26, 2005 edition of Le Figaro, Epi helped private military companies operating in Iraq employ "over a thousand Colombian combat-trained ex-soldiers and policemen." Some of these men were "trained by the U.S. Navy and the DEA to conduct antidrug and anti-terrorist operations in the jungles of Colombia" and were "ready to work for $2,500 to 5,000 a month," said manager Shippy. He promised "considerable savings for a high-quality product" to his clients.
When police looked for the aggressive Shippy, they found his luxury home abandoned. They did discover, however, that he had previously worked for DynCorp, a private U.S. company that illegally sprayed Colombian coca farms.
For its part, Hostile Control Tactics LLC, offered to "provide in-depth training to individuals willing to acquire the necessary skills to do the job." It promises salaries of "$500.00 per day ­ up to $1,000.00 per day." In addition, they offer "bonus pay raises" based on a peer-review system.
Such campaigns to use private mercenaries from Latin America and other parts of the world in lieu of U.S. troops has led to the rise of a parallel army. More than 20,000 non-U.S. mercenaries now supplement the regular troops in Iraq.
A Growing Private Army
On January 17, 2005, El Tiempo reported that Halliburton had "recruited 25 retired Colombian police and army officers to provide security for oil infrastructure in Iraq." The officers met in Bogota in early December, "with a Colombian colonel working on behalf of Halliburton Latin America, who offered them monthly salaries of $7,000 to provide security for oil workers and facilities in several Iraqi cities."
Imagine the power such pay holds in a poverty-stricken country! Tormerly headed by U.S. vice president Dick Cheney, Halliburton is the recipient of the largest amount of government money for Iraq construction and, along with its subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root, has been accused of overcharging and accounting discrepancies. A Colombian government source confirmed the story, El Tiempo reported. Halliburton officials denied it.
Blackwater, another U.S. company that trains mercenaries, sent its pros into a Colombian military school in Bogota with permission from the authorities. Previously Blackwater had recruited and trained Chilean military personnel from the Pinochet days to Iraq. No one knows the exact number of Latin American mercenaries now serving in Iraq. But they may be almost as numerous as U.S. troops.
Hope and Anger
In early October, my friend in the cafeteria asked me: "If they have so many private troops from Latin America in Iraq, why do they need my son?" She smiled sadly. "I hope Carlito ­ he's the older one ­ comes home for Christmas. But he doesn't know, yet. He's in a place called Tikrit, now, and says the locals don't seem to like us all that much. What can I do? I pray."
Fernando Suarez does more than ask God for help. "Senor Bush," he shouted to a California student group in the fall of 2004. "Cuantos hijos de nosotros nesecita para lenar su tanque de gasolina? Cuantos hijos americanos muertos nesecita para parar esta guerra llena de mentiras? Yo no quiero mas muertes de nuestros hijos de sus padres, esposos. Paremos esto YA!!! Señor Bush, espero que dios le perdone, porque yo no puedo." ("Mr. Bush, how many of our children do you need to fill your gas tank? How many dead American children are needed to stop this lie-filled war? I don't want more our children and wives and husbands dead. Let's stop this right now. Mr. Bush, I hope God forgives you, because I cannot.")

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1674
Resolution 1674, adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 28 April 2006, "reaffirms the provisions of paragraphs 138 and 139 of the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document regarding the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity".
The United Nations Security Council today issued a ringing condemnation of all violence committed against civilians during armed conflict, directing its strongest language at attacks on women and children, and pledged to ensure that all peace support operations employ all feasible measures to prevent the scourge.
In its unanimously adopted
the 15-Member body also condemned all attacks deliberately targeting UN personnel and others involved in humanitarian missions, urging States to bring those responsible to justice.
Acknowledging that the most effect way to deal with violence against civilians would be to eradicate armed conflict world-wide, the Council nevertheless demanded that all parties involved in such conflicts comply strictly with all the obligations of the Geneva Conventions, as well as the earlier Hague Conventions.
Council reprobation was particularly directed at sexual violence, including all acts of sexual exploitation, abuse and trafficking by personnel involved in UN operations, for which it welcomed the zero-tolerance policy now in place.
In his latest report on the issue, released in December 2005, Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that despite a sharper United Nations focus on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, civilians continue to suffer devastating "collateral damage," as well as targeted violence, increasingly in the form of sexual abuse, forced displacement, terrorism and extreme economic deprivation, requiring ever-evolving protective mechanisms.
"In the five years since the adoption of Security Council resolution 1296 (2000) there have been new challenges to the safety and well-being of civilian populations, and the tools that we have at our disposal to address these concerns need to be developed accordingly," Secretary-General Kofi Annan says in his latest report on the matter, which the Council discussed today.
In his report, Mr. Annan points to the conflicts in northern Uganda, the Darfur region of Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as examples of the forced displacement and violence against women.
The occupied Palestinian territory and Colombia were cited as examples of complex situations that include terrorism, and Nepal and Myanmar as cases of economic suffering resulting from armed conflict.

Senior Nixon Administration Officials Considered Confronting Israel over Nuclear Weapons in 1969 but President Nixon Declined, Deciding that Washington Could Live with an Undeclared Israeli Bomb, According to Newly Declassified Documents and a Study in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Posted Today
Washington D.C., April 28, 2006 - Today the National Security Archive publishes for the first time 30 recently declassified U.S. government documents disclosing the existence of a highly secret policy debate, during the first year of the Nixon administration, over the Israeli nuclear weapons program. Broadly speaking, the debate was over whether it was feasible--either politically or technically--for the Nixon administration to try to prevent Israel from crossing the nuclear threshold, or whether the U.S. should find some "ground rules" which would allow it to live with a nuclear Israel.
The documents published by the Archive are the primary sources for an article by Avner Cohen and William Burr, "Israel crosses the threshold," that appears in the May-June 2006 issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The article is now available on-line at the Bulletin's Web site. An edited version of the article will also appear in The Washington Post's Sunday "Outlook" section on April 30, 2006.
Among the key findings in the article:
* 1969 was a turning point in the U.S.-Israeli nuclear relationship. Israel already had a nuclear device by 1967, but it was not until 1968-1969 that U.S. officials concluded that an Israeli bomb was about to become a physical and political reality. U.S. government officials believed that Israel was reaching a state "whereby all the components for a weapon are at hand, awaiting only final assembly and testing."
* In the first months of the Nixon administration, senior officials such as Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird believed it was important that Washington try to check Israeli nuclear progress for the sake of stability in the Middle East.
* In April 1969 national security adviser Henry Kissinger issued National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 40 requesting the national security bureaucracy to develop options for dealing with the Israeli nuclear problem. A Senior Review Group (SRG), chaired by Henry Kissinger, was formed to deliberate and propose avenues for action to the President.
* The SRG outlined policy objectives to President Nixon and proposed initiating a probe with Israeli Ambassador Rabin designed to achieve those objectives. Nixon approved the SRG's proposal for action but declined to use deliveries of advanced F-4 Phantom jets as leverage for the probe. This decision was fateful for the entire exercise.
* On July 29, 1969 Ambassador Rabin was summoned by Acting Secretary of State Elliott Richardson and Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard as the first step in the probe. The two officials pressed Rabin on three issues: (1) the meaning of Israel's "non-introduction" pledge; (2) Israel's signature on the NPT; (3) Israel's intentions on the missile issue. Rabin provided no replies and subsequently proposed to leave the whole issue for the meeting between President Nixon and Prime Minister Meir in late September.
* On the eve of Meir's visit the State Department prepared a background paper for the President concluding that "Israel might very well now have a nuclear bomb" and certainly "had the technical ability and material resources to produce weapons grade uranium for a number of weapons."
* No written record of the meeting between President Nixon and Prime Minister Meir on September 26 is available, but it was a key event in the emergence of the 1969 US-Israeli nuclear understanding. Subsequent documents suggest that Meir pledged to maintain nuclear restraint-no test, no declaration, no visibility-and after the meeting the Nixon White House decided to "stand down" on pressure on Israel.
* On October 7, 1969 Ambassador Rabin formally provided his belated answers to the US questions: Israel will not become a nuclear power; Israel will decide on the NPT after its election in November; Israel will not deploy strategic missiles until 1972.
* On February 23, 1970 Ambassador Rabin informed Kissinger that, in light of President Nixon's conversation with Meir in September 1969, Israel "has no intention to sign the NPT."
* Subsequently, the White House decided to end the secret annual U.S. visits to the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona. Lower-level officials were not told of the decision and as late as May 1970 they were under the impression that the visits could be revived.
* By 1975, in keeping with the understanding with Israel, the State Department refused to tell Congress that it was certain that Israel had the bomb, even though U.S. intelligence was convinced that it did.
The newly declassified documents are from State Department records and Nixon Presidential Materials at the National Archives, College Park. They represent, however, only a small fraction of a large body of documents on NSSM 40 that remain classified. To elucidate the U.S. government debate over the issue of the Israeli bomb the National Security Archive has filed declassification requests for those key documents.

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $901,000,000 advance acquisition contract for long lead efforts and materials associated with the lot 1 low rate initial production of five F-35A Joint Strike Fighter conventional take-off and landing air systems for the Air Force. Work will be performed Fort Worth, Texas (60 percent); El Segundo, Calif. (25 percent); and Samlesbury, United Kingdom (15 percent), and is expected to be completed in January 2010. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity (N00019-06-C-0291).
MILCOM Systems Corp. Virginia Beach, Va., was awarded April 27, 2006, an estimated $108,791,351 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, cost-plus-incentive-fee with an option for fixed-price orders, performance based contract to provide sea enterprise C4ISR support services for installation, material acquisition, system/equipment modification, test and checkout, systems training and documentation preparation. This contract includes four 1-year options, which, if exercised, would bring the estimated cumulative value of the contract to $577,588,058. The work will be performed in Norfolk, Va. (85 percent) and miscellaneous locations including: public/private shipyards and numerous sites in the continental United States and overseas (15 percent) and is expected to be completed by April 2007 (April 2011 with options). Contract funds will not expire at the end of the fiscal year. The contract was a competitively procured under full and open competition. The request for proposal was posted on the SPAWAR Systems Center E-Commerce website and two offers were received. The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Charleston, S.C., is the contracting activity (N65236-05-D-8848).



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