Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 30. April 2006 / Time Line April 30, 2006

Version 3.0

1. April 2006, Maj 2006

Historiens dag. Tema: Børns leg i historien. Krigslege, ikkevoldelige lege?

Petition To the Government of Israel: Stop mistreating Mordechai Vanunu!
Lift the restrictions imposed on him!
By Gush Shalom
In the past week the Government of Israel has extended for the third year the restrictions it imposed on Mordechai Vanunu when he was released from prison. He is forbidden to leave Israel; may not move freely inside Israel; is forbidden to speak to foreign nationals, 'for fear of causing damage to the security of the State'.
Mordechai Vanunu served the sentence that was imposed on him - 18 years in prison, of which he spent 11 and a half years in complete isolation. He came out of prison wholly committed to the idea of a world without weapons of mass destruction - the same idea he upheld when he was imprisoned. He remains convinced of the rightness of this cause.
The element of vengence by the Israeli Government is plain to see. No-one in their senses believes that Vanunu represents a threat to the security of Israel. He told everything he knew to the Sunday Times in 1986. All the experts in Israel and abroad - except those who speak for the secret services - agree that after 20 years away from the Dimona reactor Vanunu has not a shred of information that could endanger the security of the State.
The restrictions imposed on Mordechai Vanunu violate the basic rights of citizens in a democratic country - the freedom of _expression and of movement. These restrictions also conflict with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Convention on Political and Civil Rights.
Mr Prime Minister, the Chiefs of the Security Services of Israel -
Let Mordechai Vanunu leave, to live wherever he chooses. He would like to have a family of his own and to exist as a free man, without Big Brother dominating his existence.
Let Mordechai Vanunu go free.
(On May lst the court hearing will take place in Jerusalem .)
Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love,
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone that soar above
Enjoy such liberty.
Richard Lovelace 1618 - 1657



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