Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 25. Mars 2005 / Time Line March 25, 2005

Version 3.5

24. Mars 2005, 26. Mars 2005

Naomi Klein Reveals New Details About U.S. Military Shooting of Italian War Correspondent in Iraq
Friday, March 25th, 2005
Three weeks after being shot by US forces in Iraq, veteran Italian war correspondent Giuliana Sgrena is released from a military hospital. New details are emerging about the killing of the Italian agent who saved her life. We speak with independent journalist Naomi Klein, who just returned from meeting with Sgrena in Rome. [includes rush transcript]
In Rome, journalist Giuliana Sgrena has been released from a military hospital where she was being treated for a gunshot wound she suffered when US forces shot up the car bringing her to freedom after a month being held hostage in Iraq. The head of Italy's Foreign Military Intelligence Nicola Calipari was killed in the attack when he shielded Sgrena from the bullets.
Yesterday, Italian newspapers reported that the justice minister has asked U.S. authorities to release the car so it can be examined by Italian ballistics experts. The papers said the request came after the U.S. command in Iraq reportedly blocked two Italian policemen from examining the car.

Ukraine's proliferation skeletons
By David Isenberg
Asia TImes, March 25, 2005
WASHINGTON - Recent stories about the alleged sale of 12 former Soviet nuclear-capable unarmed air-launched cruise missiles (ALCM) to Iran and China - six to each nation - by Ukraine advance a long unfolding slow-motion scandal, but still leave many questions unanswered.
Allegations of Ukranian arms sales to Iran and other countries have been around for years. For example, in November 2002 lawmaker Hryhoriy Omelchenko, a former reserve colonel in the Ukranian intelligence service, promised to lay out "proven facts" of Ukraine's arms sales "not only to Iraq, North Korea, China and Iran", but even other states, according to his office. Omelchenko is the same legislator who went public last month in letters to President Victor Yuschenko and the prosecutor general, Svyatoslav Piskun, with allegations of the smuggling operation.
The 2002 charge came at the same time that Ukraine was in the news for a scandal over the alleged sale of Kolchuga air-defense radars to Iraq. It was then feared that the radars could be used to track Western aircraft in Iraq's no-fly zones ...

The Energy Crunch to Come --
Soaring Oil Profits, Declining Discoveries, and Danger Signs
by Michael Klare
© 2005 TomDispatch and Michael Klare
Data released annually at this time by the major oil companies on their prior-year performances rarely generates much interest outside the business world. With oil prices at an all-time high and Big Oil reporting record profits, however, this year has been exceptional. Many media outlets covered the announcement of mammoth profits garnered by ExxonMobil, the nation's wealthiest public corporation, and other large firms. Exxon's fourth-quarter earnings, at $8.42 billion, represented the highest quarterly income ever reported by an American firm.
"This is the most profitable company in the world," declared Nick Raich, research director of Zacks Investment Research in Chicago. But cheering as the recent announcements may have been for many on Wall Street, they also contained a less-auspicious sign. Despite having spent billions of dollars on exploration, the major energy firms are reporting few new discoveries and so have been digging ever deeper into existing reserves. If this trend continues -- and there is every reason to assume it will -- the world is headed for a severe and prolonged energy crunch in the not-too-distant future.
To put this in perspective, bear in mind that the global oil industry has, until now, largely been able to increase its combined output every year in step with rising world demand. True, there have been a number of occasions when demand has outpaced supply, producing temporary shortages and high gasoline prices at the pump. But the industry has always been able been able to catch up again and so quench the world's insatiable thirst for oil. This has been possible because the big energy companies kept up a constant and successful search for new sources of oil to supplement the supplies drawn from their existing reserves. The world's known reserves still contain a lot of oil -- approximately 1.1 trillion barrels, by the estimates of experts at the oil major BP -- but they cannot satisfy rising world demand indefinitely; and so, in the absence of major new discoveries, we face a gradual contraction in the global supply of petroleum ...

Det rakner for Putin - og for Bush
Av Sigurd Lydersen
Like utenfor den kirgisiske hovedstaden Bishkek, hvor demonstrantene nå har tatt kontroll over regjeringsbygget, ligger en stor amerikansk militærbase, som tjener som et av de sentrale støttepunktene for det amerikanske militære eventyret i Midt-Østen. Da New York Times korrespondent i Kirgisistan på CNN nettopp ble stilt spørsmålet om hva opptøyene vil ha å si for det amerikanske militære nærværet i den tidligere Sovjetrepublikken, så ble linjen kuttet. Kanskje en tilfeldighet, men trolig et uttrykk for at sterke krefter, som naturligvis nøye overhører en slik samtale, det er jo jobben deres, helst vil unngå uautorisert synsning rundt det kompromitterte Akajevregimets nære samrøre med USA i den såkalte krigen mot terror.
Hvis noen skulle være i tvil etter millionmønstringene i Kievs gater i desember i fjor, så viser nå utviklingen i Kirgisistan med all mulig tydelighet at motstanden mot den postsovjetiske neototalitarismen er den postsovjetiske befolkningens eget verk, og ikke en forlengelse av amerikansk utenrikspolitikk, slik det er blitt hevdet. Hva vi er vitne til er videreutviklingen av det sovjetiske demokratiske prosjektet som ble innledet med den russiske revolusjonen i 1917. De tidligere Sovjetrepublikkene som frigjør seg fra Putin-regimets klamme grep representerer nye statsmakter med bred folkelig legitimitet som er frigjort fra den kalde krigens polarisering av verden, og innrettet mot en global demokratisk verden hvor menneskerettigheter og internasjonal rett ikke er spill for galleriet, men nødvendige livsbetingelser. Vi ser framveksten av genuint demokratiske samfunn, ikke, unnskyld, antikommunistiske kvasidemokratiske som det norske, som uttrykk for det vellykkede i det progressive sovjetiske prosjektet.
Den amerikanske basen utenfor Bishkek blir i denne sammenhengen en svært pinlig og ømtålelig sak. Basen er en tydelig manifestasjon av samrøret mellom vestlige land og Putin-regimet, og kler hele "krigen mot terror" naken. 19. mars ble det demonstrert over hele den vestlige verden, også i våre egne byer, mot den amerikanske okkupasjonen av Irak. Alle som er kritiske til krigen mot terror og det amerikanske og andres nærvær i Midt-Østen, og det er mange, burde sette inn kreftene på å støtte opp under den postsovjetiske befolkningens frigjøringskamp mot Putins menneskefiendtlige neototalitarisme og dens løpegutter i Vesten.
Hvem tar opp hansken?
Les mer på
Sigurd Lydersen, tidligere leder for Norges Fredslag og redaktør av Fredsviljen.

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
McDonnell Douglas Corp., Saint Louis, Mo., is being awarded a $6,754,307 cost-plus fixed-fee contract modification. This contract is for F/A-22 Spiral 3A Phase A+ integration support to integrate the Small Diameter Bomb on the F/A-22. This effort includes ensuring functional, mechanical, electrical and environmental compatibility between the F/A-22 and the Small Diameter Bomb; conducting supersonic free-stream wind tunnel testing; continuing strut design and strut interface between the F/A-22 and the Small Diameter Bomb carriage system to finalize a production design; planning and supporting Instrumented Vehicle flight testing; and analyzing data. At this time, $5,218,691 of the funds have been obligated. This work will be complete by March 2006. The Air Armament Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., is the contracting activity (FA8682-04-C-0019, P00050).



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