Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 29. Mars 2005 / Time Line March 29, 2005

Version 3.5

28. Mars 2005, 30. Mars 2005

US admits killing Arab journalists in Iraq
By Aljazeera
The US military has acknowledged it was responsible for killing two journalists working for Dubai-based satellite channel al-Arabiya who were shot close to a checkpoint in the Iraqi capital earlier this month.
Al-Arabiya cameraman Ali Abd al-Aziz died on 18 March from a gunshot wound to the head. Correspondent Ali al-Khatib died from his wounds in hospital the next day. Both were Iraqis ...

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, Suffolk, Va., is being awarded a $10,344,598 cost-plus-fixed-fee task order contract for services in support of the U.S. Joint Forces Command's Joint Experimentation Program and Joint Futures Lab. Work will be performed in Suffolk, Va., and work is expected to be completed by July 2005. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was competitively procured, with 30 proposals solicited and one offer received. The Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Norfolk Detachment Philadelphia is the contracting activity (N00140-04-D-0195) (Order 0023).
Booz Allen & Hamilton, Inc., McLean, Va., is being awarded an $8,387,384 not-to-exceed modification to exercise an option to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N00421-01-C-0241) for technical and engineering services for the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division in support of Department of Defense, NATO, Federal and other sponsor requirements within or outside the Continental United States, for implementation of advanced technologies in design, integration, and test and evaluation. Support to be provided includes life cycles sustainment of tactical and non-tactical systems, decision support systems, commonality requirements and a wide spectrum of technical and engineering services related to emerging technologies, including information assurance and electronic-enterprise-solutions, acquisition support, and program management. The estimated level of effort for this contract is 103,800 man-hours. Work will be performed in Patuxent River, Md. (76 percent); Alexandria, Va. (23 percent); and Lithicum, Md. (1 percent), and is expected to be completed in March 2006. Contract funds in the amount of $46,805 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, St. Inigoes, Md., is the contracting activity.
Boeing Satellite Systems, Los Angeles, Calif., is being awarded a $12,401,610 firm fixed price contract modification to provide for the Phase II Parts Obsolescence Study in support of the Wideband Gapfiller Satellite (WGS) program. This effort will reduce the risk to the program from parts and equipment going out of production between WGS satellites 3 and 4. At this time, $8,000,000 of the funds have been obligated. This work will be complete by September 2006. Solicitation began February 2005. The Headquarters Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, Calif., is the contracting activity (F04701-00-C-0011, P00094).

Humanitarian Mine Action Grants
Office of the Spokesman, U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
March 29, 2005
U.S. Department of State Issues "Request for Applications" for Humanitarian Mine Action Grants
The Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (WRA) in the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs is issuing a new Request for Applications for grants to advance humanitarian mine action. Grant applications will be accepted from non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and international organizations. The State Department may provide up to $2 million in funding for the grants for projects ranging from $20,000 to $500,000. Depending on the quality of the proposals and changes in programming assumptions, WRA reserves the right to make no awards.
Four specific categories are being considered: 1.) development of methodologies to support national mine action planning processes using current landmine impact survey data; 2.) enabling transition of mine action programs to host nation management; 3.) encouraging private sector support for mine action and destruction of abandoned ordnance; and 4.) to match funds raised from non-U.S. Government sources, up to a total of $100,000 maximum, for demining and mine risk education projects in countries that receive U.S. mine action assistance.
Applications for unsolicited projects relevant to WRA's goals and objectives, including projects to abate small arms, light weapons and Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS), may also be submitted.
Details about the grants process; forms; WRA plans for countries to which it gives mine action assistance; requesting a Data Universal Numbers System (DUNS) Number; registering with the Central Contractor Registry; and electronic submission procedures are available at .
For consideration, applications for this new round of grants must be electronically filed through the website no later than 12:00 midnight Eastern Time on Monday, May 2, 2005 and will not be accepted by other means unless approved in advance by Mr. Richard G. Stickels Jr., Grants Officer, telephone (202) 663-0107; email: To examine the complete Request for Applications announcement on the website; click "Get Started" on the homepage; click "Browse by Agency," then click "Department of State;" and finally scroll to the entry posted by the WRA office.
General information about WRA office is available at



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