Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 14. maj 2004 / Time Line May 14, 2004

Version 3.0

13. Maj 2004, 15. Maj 2004

Thule-aftale næsten klar
USA, Grønland og Danmark er meget tæt på en aftale, der gør det muligt for USA at videreudvikle radaranlægget på Thule til brug i et missilforsvar.
Den amerikanske regering er opsat på en snarlig løsning, angiveligt helst inden 28. maj.
Baggrunden er blandt andet, at præsident George W. Bush i sin 2000-valgkamp lovede den amerikanske befolkning et missilskjold i 2004. Thule-radaren er ikke afgørende for dette løfte, men for Bush ville en aftale være et konkret tegn på fremskridt, skriver Jyllands-Posten.

Torture prison pictures triggered reforms for the CIA
By Kurt Singer
The deputy director for foreign operations James L Pavitt anounced that he would double the CIA's foreign agents. At the moment in 2004 the agency emplyes 1100 secret operatives spread around the world. 41% speak a second language but only 4% each speak Arabic or Chinese. This explains why American intelligence officers cannot even read the street names in Iraq and Afghanistan.Mr. Pavitt also told the press that the CIA no longer calls its agents intelligence officers but case workers.The espionage training school at Camp Peary in Virginia is working 24 hours around the clock. Arabic is taught in Blitz Courses to new recruits at a yearly salary of $50.000 a year. Mr.Pavitt said "WE NEED THOUSAND AND HUNDRED THOUSAND OF PEOPLE TO WIN THIS WAR."Then he admitted " we are running hard to meet the resources we need." Inspite of having been successful in capturing several dozen of militant terrorists and suicide bombers he CIA had many failures as well. They did not prevent the actions of the 19 terrorists on 9/11, or prevent the attack on the Cole or the bombings of the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania nor did they caspture Ben Laden. Their clandestine activities need definite improvements.The last thing they needed were the 1000 plus torture pictures from a Baghdad prison.One of the American reporters said jokingly" the CIA has now more nude pictures than the Clinton administration showed."
The CIA had failed to predict or realize the comingdownfall of the Soviet Union. After the demise of the Soviet empire the agency was reduced by 20 % in panpower and budget.
Cold War espionage veterans are still teachers at Camp Peary and use now Mao Tse Tung's book on Guerilla Warfare.To fight an invisible terrorist enemy Mr. George J.Tenet, Mr. Pavitt's boss as director of the CIA said the organization has to be streamlined and moved from an unbelievable low situation into a high tech scientific clandestine espionage and counter terrorist agency.
The revalry between CIA and FBI had to be ended.
A revamped and modernized CIA is aware that they are threatened daily by Al Qaeda terrorists and suicide bombers who seem almost invisible and replaced by unlimited masses of Muslims who hate the American occupiers and their allies and above all the Western infidels. Some time ago I asked a high ranking CIA officer who he though hat the best acurate, imaginative and long period visionara\y intelligence service. He answered without hesitance: The Vatican.



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