Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 11. Juni 2004 / Time Line June 11, 2004

Version 3.0

10. Juni 2004, 12. Juni 2004

Lokalvalg i Storbritannien.
Arbejderpartiet, Labour, taber mere end 400 mandater pga 'vælgernes utilfredshed' med krigen i Irak, som 'mange af dem var imod'.
Litteratur: Theils, Lone: Blair betaler prisen for Irak. I: Berlingske Tidende, 06/13/2004.

The second annual Teaching Nonproliferation Summer Institute
This summer, you have a chance visit a lovely area and at the same time join a project that we hope will positively affect the future of our planet. The second annual Teaching Nonproliferation Summer Institute will be held from June 11-15 at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. We're inviting you and your colleagues.
We've designed this development workshop to enable university faculty to include issues related to reducing the threat from weapons of mass destruction in appropriate courses. This year's institute will emphasize environmental, public health, and security issues. Participants will both learn from and establish connections with renowned experts in the field. This is an opportunity to add a timely and diverse dimension to your teaching.
Participants will receive room, board and a travel stipend.
Speakers will be:
* Clay Moltz and Charles Ferguson, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies
* Randall Forsberg, Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies
* Arjun Makhijani, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
* William Long, Chair of the Sam Nunn School for International Affairs, Georgia Tech. and tentatively
* Victor Sidel editor of "War and Public Health" and a founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility,
* Avner Cohen, Center for International Security Studies at University of Maryland, author of "Israel and the Bomb,"
* Stephen Schwartz, publisher of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist,
Thanks for considering our invitation and circulating it to others in your department or, better yet, your university!
Dot Sulock, Institute Director

UN 1540 Committee began its work.

Forsvarsforlig er en hån mod befolkningens nej til EU-hær
- Ja-partierne, kristendemokraterne og Dansk Folkeparti baserer deres politik på forventet opsigelse af aftalen med vælgerne, udtaler Ditte Staun fra Folkebevægelsen mod EU.
Det dugfriske forsvarsforlig – aftalen om forsvarets ordning fra 2005 – 2009 – siger i sin indledning, at "Endvidere vil dansk forsvar ved en eventuel ophævelse af det danske forsvarsforbehold kunne deltage i EU’s indsats uden for Unionens område med henblik på fredsskabelse, fredsbevarelse, konfliktforebyggelse, humanitære operationer og styrkelse af international sikkerhed i overensstemmelse med principperne i FN-pagten.”
- Forligspartierne håner undtagelsen overfor EU’s militære projekt, som befolkningen har vedtaget ved folkeafstemning. Det gør de, når de direkte går indgår aftaler om det danske forsvars forventede fremtidige deltagelse i EU-hæren, siger Ditte Staun, som er en af spidskandidaterne for Folkebevægelsen mod EU ved valget til EU-parlamentet på søndag.
- Danmark kan sagtens deltage humanitære opgaver – for eksempel gennem den multinationale FN-styrke SHIRBRIG, som har hovedkvarter ved Birkerød i Nordsjælland. EU-hæren handler langt fra kun om indsats med FN's godkendelse. Tværimod siger udkastet til EU-grundlov, der skal forhandles på plads om knap en uge, at der ikke behøver at være noget FN-mandat for EU’s militære indgreb, siger Ditte Staun og tilføjer:
- Verden har ikke brug for EU-militarisering, men for et styrket FN!

NDP leader shoots down missile defence program
Toronto Star
The U.S-led missile defence program will spark a dangerous new arms race and Canada should have no part of it, NDP Leader Jack Layton says.
Layton used a rally at a downtown Toronto church last night to lash out against the proposed program, denouncing it as a costly, ill- conceived hold-over from the Cold War that will ultimately put weapons in space.
And as he vowed to make missile defence an election issue, he got some high-profile help from members of Toronto's arts scene, who added their own angry voices in condemning the proposed program.
"It is shocking to see that Canada would even be considering joining such a Cold War again," singer Steve Page, of the Barenaked Ladies, told a crowd of about 200 people at the Church of Saint George the Martyr.
Pianist Anton Kuerti said the costs of the program would make the sponsorship scandal look like a "little appetizer." "We need to be getting rid of missiles, not encouraging others to build more," he said.
Noted environmentalist David Suzuki said the scheme, which involves using ground-based interceptors to shoot down incoming missiles, is unworkable.



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