Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 16. Juli 2004 / Time Line July 16, 2004

Version 3.0

15. Juli 2004, 17. Juli 2004

Første amerikanske  kernevåbenforsøg, Trinity, i New Mexico, 1945.

Tony Blair's New Labour loses seats over Iraq war
In Leicester South, Parmjit Singh Gill became the first Lib Dem MP from an ethnic minority in a 21% swing from Labour.
In his victory speech, Mr Gill said the people had spoken for Britain and "the message is that the prime minister has abused and lost their trust" over Iraq.
Labour just held Birmingham Hodge Hill by 460 votes ahead of the Lib Dems.
In a turnout of 36%, the Conservatives slipped to third and Labour's victorious Liam Byrne said: "This is a disaster for Michael Howard.", writes BBC.

Congress's Inquiry Into Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners Bogs Down
By Eric Schmitt
The Congressional investigation into the abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison has virtually ground to halt, as a senior Senate Republican said Thursday that no new hearings would be held on the matter until this fall at the earliest.
The Republican-controlled House Armed Services Committee made it clear weeks ago that it believed that the several current military investigations of the scandal were sufficient, and that summoning commanders to Washington would only hinder American operations in Iraq.
That left the issue to the Senate Armed Services Committee, whose chairman, Senator John W. Warner, a Virginia Republican, has held a series of hearings, but none since May 19. On Thursday, Mr. Warner said he would hold off calling any more witnesses until several criminal prosecutions and seven pending Pentagon inquiries were completed.



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