Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 21. Oktober 1999 / Time Line October 21, 1999

Version 3.5

20. Oktober 1999, 22. Oktober 1999

Tre fredsaktivister frikendt
Ulla Røder, den skotske pensionist Ellen Moxley og Angela Zelter frikendes for alle anklager om ødelæggelse af et britisk militært testlaboratorium for Trident atomubåde i Skotland.

Forskere kaster nyt lys over Cuba-krise
USA havde atomvåben på Guantanamo-basen under Cuba-krisen i 1962
"Da den kolde krig var på sit højeste, udstationerede USA i al hemmelighed tusinder af atomvåben i 15 lande. I nogle lande som Island og Marokko skete det uden at deres ledere vidste det.". Fra 1956 til 1959 oplagrede USA atomvåben på Keflavik-basen ved Reykjavik.

U.S. Once Deployed 12,000 Nuclear Weapons in 2 Dozen Nations
Related Web Site The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
New York Times, October 19, 1999
The United States stored 12,000 nuclear weapons and components in Morocco, Japan, Iceland, Puerto Rico, Cuba -- a total of at least 23 countries and five American territories -- during the cold war, according to a new article based on a recently declassified document.
The document, a secret study written by the Defense Department and entitled "History of the Custody and Deployment of Nuclear Weapons," is described in the cover story of the November/December issue of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Altogether, the article says, between 1945 and 1977 the United States stored 38 types of nuclear weapons systems abroad. Among countries with the most, Germany had 21 types of systems, Guam had 20, and the Japanese island of Okinawa, which was then under American occupation...



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