Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 25. Juli 1980 / Time Line July 25, 1980

Version 3.0

24. Juli 1980, 26. Juli 1980

Picnic - in at the Common
Cito reports: The actions against the Cruise Missiles continued on July 20 when 150 people walked the three and a half miles from Newbury to Greenham Common airbase, Berkshire, for a picnic outside the main gate. This was the first action at Greenham Common since the announcement of the plans to site 96 Cruise Missiles there, with several more actions planned.
The centrepiece of the event was the handing in, by the kids on the walk, of a letter to the men (we decided there probably weren't any women on active service there) of the base stating our opposition to Cruise missiles and our intention to take all nonviolent steps necessary to prevent their installation. This was signed by al most all of those present, with a large number of personal comments added.
Those at Greenham ranged from punks to pensioners and a good time was had by all. We recommend everyone to organise a picnic outside their nearest nuclear horror. Most of them have convenient large villages nearby and it's an excellent opportunity to reach people. (We got publicity in places we wouldn't normally have dreamed of.)
A sponsored vigil will take place at Greenham Common from 8.14am August 6 to 5pm August 9 to commemorate the dropping of the atom bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Details from Tony Talbot, tel Oxford 724315.
On September 21 there will be a large demonstration outside the base. Contact: Acorn, The Emporium, Merchants Place, Reading for details of the picnic and Newbury Campaign Against the Missiles, 9 Connaught Road, Newbury, for the growing campaign at Greenham.
Kilde: Peace News, nr. 2125, s. 4.

Atompolitik ; USA
Den top hemmelige og følsomme amerikanske præsidentinstruks 59 om, "udstationering- og atomvåbens anvendelsespolitik," underskrives af præsident Jimmy Carter, den 25. juli 1980.
Direktivet og administrationens debat om det offentliggøres først i sin helhed i efteråret 2012.

Nuclear Policy; U.S.
The top secret and sensitive U.S. Presidential Directive 59 (PD-59), "Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy," is signed by President Jimmy Carter, 25 July 1980.
The Directive and the Administration debate on it is published first in its entirety in the autumn 2012

La politique nucléaire, US
Le secret et sensible US instruction présidentielle 59 sur "l'affichage et l'utilisation des armes nucléaires politique», est signé par le président Jimmy Carter, 25 Juillet 1980.
La directive et le débat sur l'administration, il est d'abord publié dans son intégralité dans l'automne de 2012

Política Nuclear, EE.UU.
El secreto y sensible instrucción presidencial de EE.UU. 59 en adelante, "publicar y política nuclear de uso de armas", está firmado por el presidente Jimmy Carter, 25 de julio de 1980.
La Directiva y la Administración de debate en que se publicó por primera vez en su totalidad en el 2012 otoño

Atompolitik, US
Die streng geheime und sensible US-Präsidentschaftskandidaten Anweisung 59 auf, "Entsendung und Atomwaffen Benützungs-vorschriften", wird von Präsident Jimmy Carter, 25. Juli 1980 unterzeichnet. Die Richtlinie und die Verwaltung Debatte darüber wird erst in seiner Gesamtheit im Herbst 2012 veröffentlicht

Operation Tinderbox
Underjordisk  amerikansk  atomvåbenforsøg i Nevada.
/ Underground U.S. nuclear weapons tests in Nevada.
/ Souterrains américains essais d'armes nucléaires dans le Nevada.
/ Subterráneos estadounidenses pruebas de armas nucleares en Nevada.
/ Unterirdischen US Atomwaffentests in Nevada.
Kilde: United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992.
U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, DOE/NV--209-REV 15, December 2000.



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