Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 27. 1956 /
Timeline September 27, 1956
Version 3.5
26. September 1956, 28. September 1956
Det første i en ny serie af fire britiske atomvåbenforsøg
ved Maralinga i Australien.
/ British nuclear weapons tests in Australia.
Despite international protests, the United Kingdom began a series
of atmospheric nuclear bomb tests beginning with Operation Buffalo
on aboriginal land at Maralinga, South Australia. The series of
tests included dropping a bomb from a height of 30,000 feet. This
was the first launching of a British atomic weapon from an
/ Essais d'armes nucléaires britanniques en Australie.
/ Pruebas de armas nucleares británicas en Australia.
/ Britische Kernwaffenversuche in Australien.
Litteratur: MOD: Key events in the UK
atmospheric nuclear test programme. Udateret. - 3 s.
MOD: UK atmospheric nuclear weapons tests Factsheet 1.
Udateret. - 7 s.
McClelland Royal Commission: The Report of the Royal Commission
into British Nuclear Tests in Australia, I-II.
- Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1985. - xxi,
615 s.
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