Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15. december 1920 / Time Line December 15, 1920

Version 3.5

14. December 1920, 16. December 1920

Henriette [Henni] Forchhammer. Kilde: Statsbiblioteket, Kvindehistorisk Samling, 2005

Kvindesagsforkæmperen og pacifisten Henni Forchhammer taler som den første kvinde i Folkeforbundets plenarforsamling mod hvid slavehandel, handel med kvinder og børn.
Kilde: Rigsdagstidende, 1920-1921 Tillæg AII spalte 5444-5445.

Woman rights champion and pacifist Henni Forchhammer is speaking as the first woman in the League of Nations session against white slave trafficking, trafficking in women and children.
Source: Journal of [the Danish] parliament, 1920-1921 Appendix AII column 5444-5445.
'The Council of the League of Nations having examined the memorandum by the Secretary-General on the suppression of the traffic in women and children, and the report by his Excellency M. da Cunha, the Brazilian representative, agrees to the appointment of an officer, attached to the Secretariat, whose special duty it will be to keep in touch with all matters relative to the white slave traffic. No immediate steps will therefore be taken by the League till the recommendations of the international conference for the suppression of the white slave traffic have been submitted.
Mile. Henni Forchhammer (Denmark) expressed her great satisfaction that the League was assuming responsibility in this very grave question. She proposed the insertion of the word "especially" in the resolution so as to provide for aid to "the women who have been deported during the War, especially the Armenian women, but also Greek women, Syrian women and women of other nationalities have been in captivity since 1915."
Source: The First Assembly of the League of Nation p. 88.
In: A League of Nations. Vol. IV, No. 1. Double number. February, 1921. - 220 s. Published Bimonthly by the World Peace Foundation, Boston, Mass.
Se also: Den hvide slavehandel. Bekæmpelse af handel med kvinder 1900 – 1950.
'The current debate on trafficking in women has a historical parallel. Around 1900 white slavery was discussed intensely, and philanthropists and feminists became involved in combating this phenomenon. The conventions of 1904 and 1910 were results of this effort. After the establishment of the League of Nations in 1920, the battle was intensified and the Danish women Henni Forchhammer, Estrid Hein, Karen Jeppe and Martha Malthe came to play an exceptional role in this work. Important milestones were the new conventions of 1921 and 1933 and the comprehensive studies of 1927 and 1932. This work was continued under the auspices of the UN, and the convention of 1949 has formed the basis of the international work on combating trafficking in women today'. In: Kvinder, Køn & Forskning nr. 3 2001. Sex til salg -
Société des Nations: Convention internationale pour la suppression de la traite des femmes et des enfants Genève, le 30 septembre 1921 / League of Nations: International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children. Adopted on 30 September 1921, entered into force on 15 June 1922. (Communique au Conseil, aux Membres de la Societe et aux Delegues a I'Assemblee.] Genève, le 31 mars 1922.- 137 pp. -



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