
Jøder som folk; alle jøder i hele verden; en politisk bevægelse grundlagt af Theodor Herzl på baggrund af Dreyfus-affæren i Frankrig i 1894. Tidlige debatindlæg om jøderne etablering af et hjemland i Mellemøsten findes i England i årene 1839-1845.
Zionismen havde oprindeligt som formål, at skabe et hjemland for jøder i Palæstina, det nuværende Israel.
Under anden verdenskrig opkøber Keren Kajemeth Lejisrael (Israels Evighedsfond) palæstinensisk jord som jødisk fælleseje.
Filosoffen Martin Buber ville fjerne nationalismen i zionismen for at jøder og palæstinensere kunne sameksistere i den samme stat.
Make Israeli-Palestinian peace talks a number one priority" the American Jews' "open letter to the next president" can be signed online http://openletter.btvshalom.org
Avnery, Uri: Eggs in one basket.
Uri Avnery about old and new antisemitism, neo-cons and how the oil lobby is hiding behind them culminating in an advise to the Israeli government "not to put all its eggs in one basket."
A Web site called "Challenging Christian Zionism: Christians Committed to Biblical Justice" is intended as a clearinghouse of information about Christian Zionism and to foster education on this very divisive issue. Articles include: "Christian Zionism: An Historical Analysis and Critique," "The Evangelical-Jewish Alliance," and "Whose Promised Land: Israel and Biblical Prophecy."
Read Sojourners magazine articles on this topic:
Short Fuse to Apocalypse? A look at the political and theological roots of Christian Zionism.
Not a Monolithic Bloc: Many U.S. evangelicals seek an 'even-handed' Middle East policy.
How Christian is Zionism? What the Bible says about Israel and the things that make for peace.
From: 'Stop...in the name of abused humanity' - SojoMail 05.19.04
Copyright (c) 2004 Sojourners. All Rights Reserved.
SojoMail material may be freely distributed, as long as it bears the following attribution:
Source: Sojourners 2004 (c) http://www.sojo.net
Blandt zionister kan nævnes: Joseph Abileah, Hermann Kallenbach.
Se også: Abaddon ; American Jewish Committee ; antisemitisme ; antizionisme ; Dansk Jødisk Museum ; Deir Yassin Remembered ; diaspora ; Dimona ; Fighters for the Freedom of Israel ; Foreningen Venner af Fredens Oase ; Frank Foley ; fundamentalisme ; ghetto ; Haganah ; High school students refusing military service in occupied territories ; holocaust ; imperialisme ; International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultation ; Irgun Zwai Leumi ; Israeli Council for Israeli Palestinian Peace ; Israelis and Palestinians for Nonviolence ; Israel ; israelgate ; israelmafiaen ; Jewish Voice for Peace ; jubelår ; jødedom ; Kongeriget Khazar eller Khazaria, 652-1016 - Rusland ; kibbutz ; koscher ; Ligabørn ; Ligaen for tolerance ; Middle East Research and Action Group ; Molok ; Yuval Neeman ; Nonviolent Opposition to Annexation ; progrom ; rabbi ; Rabbis for Human Rights ; Sumner Rosen ; shalom ; Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) ; The Shalom Center ; Toma Sik ; sabbat ; sabbatarianisme ; sabbatsvej ; sabbatsår ; Saddukæerne ; sephardim ; sikkerhedszoner ; David Simonsen ; Stern ; Susan Sontag ; synagoge ; Talmud ; Tempelbevægelsen ; Tora ; toratro ; Tzav Kriah (Reserve soldiers' Group) ; UCLA Center for Jewish Studies ; UNRWA ; Yesh Gvul (Der er en grænse) ; yiddishkeit ; World Jewish Congress ; Zegota ; Zionist Organization of America.


Collection Israeli Peace Movement (1965-) 1977-2010. / : International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam.
Blüdnikow, Bent: Spionen der reddede 10.000 jøder. I: Berlingske Tidende, 10/03/2004.
Damkjær, Ole: Israel ødelægger - EU betaler [Gaza]. I: Berlingske Tidende, 10/19/2004.
Dyrdal, Mette: Zionismen som nationalideologi. RUC, 2001.
Einstein, Albert: About Zionism : Speeches And Letters, 1930.
Fafner, Hans Henrik: Jødisk terror for retten. I: Information, 09/29/2003.
Fafner, Hans Henrik: Kollektivisme fattes kapital. I: Information, 12/31/2003.
Fafner, Hans Henrik: Middle East Peace Orchestra lader håbet leve. I: Information, 02/04/2005.
Frøslev, Lene: Danskeren de kalder en fjende af Israel [Peter Hansen]. I: Berlingske Tidende, 10/24/2004.
Frøslev, Lene: Israels militær erkender moralske problemer I: Berlingske Tidende, 12/09/2004.
The Hijacked Agenda - dilemmas of the peace movement in times of crisis. The Other Israel, September 2004.
Jorden er Hellig - den ejes af Gud : Der kan ikke spekuleres i den. I: Fred og Frihed, 1940:2 s.14.
Jensen, Mona: De højreekstreme samler sig. I: Arbejderen, 09/14/2004.
Jørgensen, Kirsten: Kristen zionisme. I: Information, 07/03/2004.
McGrael, Cris: Israel vil nedlægge religiøse hærenheder. I: Politiken, 02/03/2005.
Polkehn, Klaus: The Secret Contacts : Zionism and Nazi Germany 1933-1941. I: Journal of Palestine Studies, 1976:3-4 s. 54-82.
Qvortrup, Mads: Ehud Olmert er ikke Messias : Modstanden mod krigen i Libanon er stærk blandt ortodokse jøder i London. I: Information, 08/05/2006.
Ratzkoff, Bathsheba: Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land. [Film].
Sharif, Regina: Christians for Zion 1600-1919. I: Journal of Palestine Studies, 1976:3-4 s. 123-141.
Steinfeld, Hans-Wilhelm: Exodus fra Russland til Israel. I: Internasjonal Politik, 2004:2 s. 237-258.
Thing, Morten: Den historiske jøde : Essays og ordbog. Forum, 2001. - 269 s.
Weir, Alison: Israel and Palestine Finally Covered. In: Project Censored 2005.
Wir wollen die Gewalt nicht : Die Buber-Gandhi-Kontroverse.
- Berlin : Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum Berlin, 1998. - ISBN 3-930093-11-1.

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