ISBN 82-90409-28-1

ubåd / submarine

Undervandsbåd. Ubåde er anvendt i krige siden den amerikanske  borgerkrig.
Ubåde kan være fremdrevet af konventionelle maskiner og kernekraft (atomubåde); og kan være udstyret med konventionelle våben og kernevåben. De engelsk-amerikanske Trident atomubåde er udstyret med mellemdistanceraketter som TOMAHAWK og Krydsermissiler. Oplysninger om ubåde og deres baser er stadig skjulte som klassificeret eller maskeret information.

Blandt våbenfabrikker som producerer atomubåde kan nævnes: General Dynamics Electric Boat.
NATO afviser i 2003, at have brug for danske ubåde.
De danske ubåde udfases med forsvarsforliget 2005-2009.
Se også: ADM ; ASROC ; ASW ; ASWSOW ; attack submarine ; Blom & Voss ; US Combat System Warfare Federated Tactical Systems ; C3 ; C3I ; DARPA ; Faslane ; US Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines - SSBN ; the Fixed Submarine Broadcast System ; Fylingdales ; geopolitik ; GIUK ; hydrofon ; Integrated Submarine Imaging Systems (ISIS) ; Jimmy Carter ; krigsforlis ; Kursk ; LORAN ; Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. ; Milstar ; The US Naval Surface Warfare Center ; the US Naval Sea Systems Command ; US National Underwater Reconnaissance Office ; the US Nuclear Regional Maintenance Department (NRMD), SUBASE, New London ; Martin Niemöller ; Naval Submarine Base New London ; Nordenfelt Guns and Ammunition Company ; Oceaneering International Inc. ; Oceanografisk Institut, DtH/DtU ; Omega ; Operation Sunshine 1958 ; Pacific Engineering and Production Company of Nevada (PEPCON) ; PAVE PAWS ; US Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance Network (PLUSNET) ; Polaris ; Poseidon ; Project Elf ; PWR ; NATO SACLANTCEN, La Spezia, Italien ; SAM ; SLBM ; sonar ; SOSUS ; SSBM ; SSM ; SUBROC ; Submarine Launched Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile ; torpedo ; tiraden ; Jules Verne.


Brøndum, Christian: Folk må stole på at ubåde er pengene værd [sic].
I: Berlingske Tidende, 04/02/2004.
Brøndum, Christian: Nej til ubåde og krydsermissiler.
I: Berlingske Tidende, 04/05/2004.
CRS: Navy Virginia (SSN-774) Class Attack Submarine Procurement: Background and Issues for Congress. / : Ronald O'Rourke. 2015.
'The Navy has been procuring Virginia (SSN-774) class nuclear-powered attack submarines since FY1998. The two Virginia-class boats requested for procurement in FY2016 are to be the 23rd and 24th boats in the class. The 10 Virginia-class boats programmed for procurement in FY2014- FY2018 (two per year for five years) are being procured under a multiyear-procurement (MYP) contract.
The Navy estimates the combined procurement cost of the two Virginia-class boats requested for procurement in FY2016 at $5,376.9 million or an average of $2,688.4 million each. The boats have received a total of $1,613.5 million in prior-year advance procurement (AP) funding and $416.9 million in prior-year Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) funding. The Navy’s proposed FY2016 budget requests the remaining $3,346.4 million needed to complete the boats’ estimated combined procurement cost. The Navy’s proposed FY2016 budget also requests $1,663.8 million in AP funding and $330.0 million in EOQ funding for Virginia-class boats to be procured in future fiscal years, bringing the total FY2016 funding request for the program (excluding outfitting and post-delivery costs) to $5,340.1 million.
The Navy’s proposed FY2016 budget also requests $167.7 million in research and development funding for the Virginia Payload Module (VPM). The funding is contained in Program Element (PE) 0604580N, entitled Virginia Payload Module (VPM), which is line 123 in the Navy’s FY2016 research and development account.'
First Lady to Christen Navy Submarine Illinois
WASHINGTON October 9, 2015 DoD News
The Navy will christen its newest Virginia-class attack submarine -- Illinois -- Oct. 10, during an 11 a.m. EDT ceremony at General Dynamics Electric Boat in Groton, Connecticut, according to a Defense Department news release issued today.
After completing a deployment, the Virginia-class attack submarine USS Hawaii returns to Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii, March 10, 2015. The future USS Illinois is also a Virginia-class submarine.
Harris, Brayton : Navy Times Book of Submarines : A Political, Social, and Military History.
Larsen, Niels Ivar: Whistleblowern fra Vladivostok. I: Information, 04/19/2005.
Liebst, Asger: Sælens forunderlige færd I. I: Information, 06/23/2004.
Liebst, Asger: Sælens forunderlige færd 2. I: Information, 06/25/2004.
Liebst, Asger: Sælens forunderlige færd 3. I: Information, 06/28/2004.
Navy Ohio Replacement (SSBN[X]) Ballistic Missile Submarine Program: Background and Issues for Congress. / Ronald O'Rourke. CRS, 2012. - 38 s. -
'The Navy’s proposed FY2013 budget requests $564.9 million for continued research and development work on the Ohio replacement program (ORP), a program to design and build a new class of 12 ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) to replace the Navy’s current force of 14 Ohioclass SSBNs. The Ohio replacement program is also known as the SSBN(X) program.'
CRS: Navy Ohio Replacement (SSBN[X]) Ballistic Missile Submarine Program: Background and Issues for Congress. / : Ronald O'Rourke. 2012. - 40 s. -
'The U.S. Navy operates three kinds of submarines—nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs), nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines (SSGNs), and nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). The SSNs and SSGNs are multi-mission ships that perform a variety of peacetime and wartime missions. They do not carry nuclear weapons'.
New attack submarine : hearing before the Military Procurement Subcommittee of the Committee on National Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, hearing held September 7, 1995 (1996).
Ritzaus Bureau: Atomubåd torpederet? I: Politiken, 05/10/2005.
Swiftsure and Trafalgar Class Update
Tunander, Ola: The Secret War Against Sweden – US and British Submarine Deception in the 1980s.
- London : Frank Cass, 2004.
Tunander, Ola: Some Remarks on the US/UK Submarine Deception In Swedish Waters in the 1980s.
Omfattende litteraturliste til engelsksprogede og svenske kilder og fremstillinger af ubådssagerne.
Tunander, Ola: Vestlige ubåde opererede i Sverige. I: Berlingske Tidende, 08/25/2005.
Tyske regler for våbeneksport er fuld af huller: Nye stramme regler forbyder salg af tyske våben til konfliktzoner og stater, der krænker menneskerettighederne. Men eksporten af kampvogne til Saudi Arabien og ubåde til Israel fortsætter med uformindsket kraft. / Charlotte Aagaard. Lagt på 30. januar 2012. Bragt i den trykte udgave 31. januar 2012 på side 5 i 1. sektion.
Verrall, Ron: Tracking submarines under the arctic ice. I: " Maple Leaf, Vol. 3, 2000:14.

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