FN organisation for uddannelse, videnskab og forskning. Oprettet i 1946. Alle FNs medlemslande har ret til at være medlem af UNESCO og andre lande kan blive det, om de ønsker det. Eksempelvis blev Palæstina medlem i november 2011. UNESCO er organiseret med en årlig generalforsamling, et råd og et fast sekretariat. UNESCO skal arbejde for fred på det kulturelle plan og er en vigtig formidler af fredsundervisning og fredskultur, eksempelvis kravet om bedre historiebøger i 1950.
UNESCO har også oprettet the International Music Council (IMC) 1949-.
UNESCO udgiver tidsskriftet the Courier.
Formand for den danske Unesco nationalkommission 2004, Knud Vilby.
Se også: Internationales Institut für Vergleichende Musikstudien und Dokumentation ; UNICEF.


UNESCO Collection of Traditional Music
'The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched the series in collaboration with ethnomusicologist Alain Daniélou (1907–1994) and the International Music Council (IMC). Collaboration continued more recently with the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM). The UNESCO Collection of Traditional Music stands as one of the earliest achievements of UNESCO’s program for safeguarding and revitalizing intangible cultural heritage.'
- http://www.folkways.si.edu/unesco
UNESCO Collection of Traditional Music of the World.
- http://www.discogs.com/label/231399-UNESCO-Collection-of-Traditional-Music-of-the-World
The UNESCO Collection of Traditional Music of the World included more than 125 albums of traditional music from around the world published from 1961 to 2003 on a number of different recording labels. The series was launched in 1961 in collaboration with ethnomusicologist Alain Daniélou and the International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation (created by UNESCO in 1949). In 2014, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings began reissuing the series, along with twelve previously unreleased albums.
Vilby, Knud: Vi kan gøre det bedre i Unesco.
I: Politikens kronik, 06/01/2004.

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