
Italiensk: Det at transportere eller fragte noget fra et sted til et andet med et befordningsmiddel: bus, bil, fly, skib eller tog.
Også: hvad der transporteres: Fragt, last, passagerer.
Se også: Fragtnævnet af 1917 ; Fragtnævnet af 1939 ; Lods ; trafik ; Ministeriet for Offentlige Arbejder ; Trafikministeriet ; Transportministeriet.


Betænkning om transport af farligt gods. / : afgivet af den af justitsministeren
den 19. december 1986 nedsatte arbejdsgruppe, 1988. Betænkning, nr. 1128)
Farligt gods omfatter sådanne stoffer og genstande, som i det konkrete tilfælde kan medføre fare for omgivelserne, og som derfor kræver særlige regler om dokumentation, emballering, separering m.v.
Bicycle: The History. / : David V. Herlihy. Yale University Press, 2004
Efterretninger for Søfarende.
GAO: Aviation and Climate Change: Aircraft Emissions Expected to Grow, but Technological and Operational Improvements and Government Policies Can Help Control Emissions, 2019.
According to IPCC, aviation currently accounts for about 2 percent of human-generated global carbon dioxide emissions, the most significant greenhouse gas—and about 3 percent of the potential warming effect of global emissions that can affect the earth’s climate, including carbon dioxide. IPCC’s medium-range estimate forecasts that by 2050 the global aviation industry, including aircraft emissions, will emit about 3 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions and about 5 percent of the potential warming effect of all global human-generated emissions. Gross domestic product growth is the primary driver in IPCC’s forecasts. IPCC also made other assumptions about future aircraft fuel efficiency, improvements in air traffic management, and airport and runway capacity. IPCC’s 2050 forecasts for aviation’s contribution to global emissions assumed that emissions from other sectors will continue to grow. If other sectors make progress in reducing emissions and aviation emissions continue to grow, aviation’s relative contribution may be greater than IPCC estimated; on the other hand, if other sectors do not make progress, aviation’s relative contribution may be smaller than estimated.

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