kemiske våben

Arabisk: Tidlig betegnelse Græsk: ild. Våben, der udspreder giftstoffer af forskellig art:
1) Nervegasser: Farveløse luft- og smagløse kemikalier, hørende til samme art som visse insektdræbende organiske fosforforbindelser. De forgifter nervesystemet og forstyrrer livsvigtige kropsfunktioner. Nervegasserne er opfundet i Tyskland i 1936. V-agenter opfundet i Storbritannien omkring 1955. CS-gassen (tåregas) opfundet i Storbritannien i midten af 1950'erne.
2) Blistergasser: Olieagtige væsker, som hovedsageligt brænder huden og forårsager blæredannelse. De har også en almindelig giftig virkning. Engelske forslag om anvendelse af kemiske våben under Krem-krigen: Brev fra Lord Palmerston til Lord Panmure, dateret 7. august 1855. Sennepsgas, gult kors, eller Yperlite der anvendes under første verdenskrig og af italienerne i Ethiopien i midten af 1930'erne, er eksempeler herpå. Svensk militær forsøgte i årene 1937 til 1940 at fremstille sennepsgas hos Bofors.
Tyskere fascister og deres allierede anvendte giftgas under anden verdenskrig i deres folkemord i koncentrationslejre.
Senere er kemiske våben anvendt under den kinesiske borgerkrig (1945-1949), i Fransk Indokina (1947), Israelkrigen (1948), Koreakrigen (1951-1952), i Algier krigen (1957) og under Vietnamkrigen, Agent Orange.
På grund af de kemiske våbens farlighed, fremføres de som binære våben.
Forskning og udvikling af beskyttelsesmidler mod kemiske våben foregår (19881) bl.a. i Porton Down, det engelske Chemical Defence Establisment, nær Salisbury, Wiltshire.
Blandt amerikanske lagre med kemiske våben kan nævnes: Anniston Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (Alabama), Bluegrass Chemical Agent Pilot Plant (Kentucky), Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System (Pacific), Pine Bluff Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (Arkansas), Pueblo Chemical Agent Pilot Plant (Colorado) og Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (Oregon).
I den russiske by Gorny ved Volga, ligger Ruslands første destruktionsanlæg for kemiske våben.
Se også: Aerosoler ; aflatoxin ; agent defeating ; Anniston Chemical Agent Disposal Facility, Alabama ; U.S. Army's Chemical Materials Agency ; biologiske våben ; botulinum ; US Camp Sibert ; CBRN ; dampfareområde ; depletet uranium ; dosis ; Dugway Proving Ground-Wendover Bombing Range, Utah ; Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center, Maryland ; EMP ; Gaskommissionen af 1933 ; Golfkrigssyndromet ; Johnston Island ; kemi ; Nordisk Syntese Laboritorium A/S ; Clara Immerwahr ; Operation CHASE ; Operation Red Hat ; toksikologi ; sarin ; the Sunshine Project ; Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility, Utah ; Umatilla Chemical Depot, Oregon ; Gertrud Woker ; økologisk krigsførelse.


Council Declaration of 13 June 2000, issued on the occasion of the adoption of the common list of military equipment covered by the European Union code of conduct on arms export 8.7.2000. I: EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 191/1
Declaration on the Use of Projectiles the Object of Which is the Diffusion of Asphyxiating or Deleterious Gases; July 29, 1899.
Haager-landkrigskonventionen af 1907 artikel 23.
(Genève)-Protokollen af 17. juni 1925 mod anvendelsen til krigsbrug af kvælende, giftige eller lignende gasarter samt af baktiologiske krigsmidler.
Den biologiske våbenkonvention fra 1972.
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction 1975.
Convention on the Prohibitions of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction 1993 også kaldet Kemivåbenkonventionen.
The Chemical Weapons Convention 1997.
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). / Organsiationen for Forbud mod Kemiske Våben, Haag.


Arbejdsgruppen vedr. tilrettelæggelse af en faglig rådgivning om virkningerne af kernevåben og kemiske kampstoffer: Rådgivning af virkningerne af kernevåben og kemiske kampstoffer. Civilforsvarsstyrelsen, 198? - 147 s.
Chemical warfare agent sea dumping off Australia. / : Geoff Plunkett. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence, Australia, 2003.
Sea dumping of unwanted Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) has occurred at many sites around the world. Most of the dumping episodes occurred after the end of World War II when unused war stocks needed disposal. An estimated 300,000 tonnes of CW munitions were dumped in West European and North Atlantic waters. It appears at least 21,030 tons of Chemical Warfare munitions were dumped into Australian seas at the end of World War II by the United States Army and the defence forces of Australia. This figure probably includes the weight of the containers which housed the agent (be it an artillery shell, bomb or storage vessel) and hence the amount of actual chemical agent could be much less than 21,030 tons. The sea dumping of all significant amounts of CWA war stocks had occurred by the end of 1946, aside from the dumping of 1,634 tons of CWA off Victoria during August/September 1948. Records indicate there have been two ad-hoc dumping episodes since then, one in 1965 and another in 1970.
CRS: U.S. Disposal of Chemical Weapons in the Ocean: Background and Issues for Congress. / : David M. Bearden. 2007.
Dejevsky, Mary: Putins 'usikre' vælgerkreds. I: Information, 03/11/2004.
Dupont Blasters' Handbook: The Practical Methods of Using Explosives for Various Purposes. / Jules Bebie. - - Wilmington Delaware : E.I. du Pont De Nemours and Company, 1923. - 155 s.
Er Saddam Husseins kemikalier en trussel mod verdensfreden. I: Dagen, 11/09/2002.
General Accounting Office: Chemical and Biological Defense: DOD Needs to Continue to Collect and Provide Information on Tests and on Potentially Exposed Personnel. GAO-04-410, May 14, 2004.
General Accounting Office: Chemical Weapons : Better Management Tools Needed to Guide DOD's Stockpile Destruction Program. GAO-04-221T, October 30, 2003.
Lloyd George, David: Erindringer : Bearbejdelse af War memoirs, Bd. I-IV foretaget af Henning Kehler, overs. af Gunnar Leistikow. - København : Hasselbalch, 1935. - 395 s.
Possible Long-Term Health Effects of Short-Term Exposure to Chemical Agents ; Experiments performed at the Edgewood Arsenal Maryland, during the Cold War 1955 thru 1975, Dugway Proving Grounds and other military installations. NRC Panel on Anticholinesterase Chemicals. Committee on Toxicology Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards Assembly of Life Sciences. National Academy Press Washington D.C. June 1982l.
Remediation of Buried Chemical Warfare Materiel. / : Committee on Review of the Conduct of Operations for Remediation of Recovered Chemical Warfare Materiel from Burial Sites. - Washington D. C. : National Academy of Sciences Press, 2012. - 140 s.
'The Committee on Review of the Conduct of Operations for Remediation of Recovered Chemical Warfare Materiel from Burial Sites was appointed by the National Research Council in response to a request by Conrad F. Whyne, Director of the Chemical Materials Agency (CMA). The study dealt primarily with the activities of the Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel Project (NSCMP), which falls organizationally under the CMA and is headed by Laurence G. Gottschalk, Project Manager for Non-Stockpile Chemical Materiel. Mr. Whyne, Mr. Gottschalk, and their staffs heavily supported the activities of the committee.
This report is concerned with the investigation and, if required, the remediation of sites that contain buried chemical materiel. About 250 such sites, located in 40 states and territories of the United States, are thought to exist. Remediation efforts are currently under way in the Spring Valley area of Washington, D.C., and at the Camp Sibert site in Alabama. A substantially larger effort is anticipated at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama.'
Review Committee Report: Inadvertent Shipment of Live Bacillus anthracis Spores by DoD. / : Committee for Comprehensive Review of DoD Laboratory Procedures, Processes, and Protocols Associated with Inactivating Bacillus anthracis Spores. 2015.
'On May 29, 2015, due to the inadvertent shipment of live anthrax from a Department of Defense (DoD) laboratory, the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DSD) directed the Under Secretary of Defense (USD) for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics (AT&L) to conduct a 30-day review of the Department’s safety practices for generating and handling inactivated Bacillus anthracis (BA). This independent review was in addition to the concurrent investigation initiated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For more than a decade, DoD and CDC have been working closely on optimal oversight of and compliance with the select agent regulations. These regulations impact all U.S. laboratories that work with biological select agents including those supported by the DoD's Critical Reagents Program (CRP), which primarily serves the interagency and the biodefense research community.'
Sverige planerade kemiske vapen. I: (svensk) Metro, 04/18/2002.
Weper, Torsten: Krigens beskidte våben. I: Information, 03/22/2003.

Rusland destruerer sine sidste kemiske våben: Under Den Kolde Krig opbyggede USA og Rusland et stort arsenal af kemiske våben. Nu har Rusland destrueret de sidste våben. En forsinket handling, som dog stadig er gennemført, før USA selv har skaffet sig af med sine kemiske våben. / : Rasmus G. Svaneborg. I: Information, 30. september 2017.
The use of chemical weapons in the 1935–36 Italo-Ethiopian War. / : Lina Grip and John Hart. SIPRI Arms Control and Non-proliferation Programmme, 2009.

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