
Græsk: De sorte øer. Den del af Stillehavet som antropologisk og geopolitisk omfatter Fiji, Ny Caledonien, Papua Ny Guinea, Salomon-øerne og Vanuatu, herunder deres Melanesian Spearhead Group / Den Melanesiske Spydspidsgruppe 1983-., samt, et præferencehandelsområde (et område med nedsatte toldtariffer mellem bestemte lande).
Natur, klima. Biodiversitet. Fauna og flora: Fisk. Fugle. Koralrev. Vådområder.
Nature, climate. Flora and fauna: Botanical gardens. Fish. Birds. Coral reefs. Wetlands
Flore et faune: Poissons. Oiseaux. Les récifs coralliens. Les zones humides.
Flora y fauna: Fish. Pájaros. Los arrecifes de coral. Los humedales.
Natur, Klima. Flora und Fauna: Botanische Gärten. Fisch. Vögeln. Korallenriffe. Feuchtgebiet, Feuchtbiotop.
International Network of Basin Organizations / Det internationale netværk af flodbassin organisationer.
Peace Palace Library: Bibliography on Water Resources and International Law. .
Geologi og jordbundsforhold: Bjerge, vulkaner, jordskælv og ørkenområder:
Geology: Mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes and desert areas
Géologie: Montagnes, volcans, tremblements de terre et les zones désertiques
Geología: Montañas, volcanes, terremotos y zonas desérticas
Geologie: Berge, Vulkane, Erdbeben und Wüstengebiete
World Database on Protected Areas: Beskyttede områder og nationalparker.
Se også: Mikronesien ; Oceanien ; Polynesien.


West Papuan's messages to United States I-VI , DVD, 2002.
Essays on the depopulation of Melanesia (1922) / The population of Melanesia, by W.J. Durrad; Decadence and preservation in the New Hebrides, by Felix Spieser; Depopulation in the Solomon Islands, by A.I. Hopkins; Depopulation of Santa Cruz and the Beef Islands; by W.C. O'Ferrall; The Solomon Islands, by C.M. Woodford; Disease and its treatment, by Sir Wm. Macgregor; The psychological factor, by W.H.R. Rivers.
Dixon, Roland Burrage: Oceanic Mythology I-XVI (1916). -
Ikke alle bind er digitaliseret 2012.
'A highly readable and scholarly cross-cultural study of Pacific mythology and folklore, covering Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Indonesia and Australia. It includes summaries of material only available in obscure 19th Century scholarly journals.
The history of Melanesian society vol I-II (1914).
Engelnstedt, R. von: Ein geschichtlicher Rückblick auf die deutsche Kolonisation in Afrika und Melanesien (1892).
Codrington, Robert Henry: The Melanesians : studies in their anthropology and folklore (1891).
Fra Kulturens Barndom sammenstillede af Ulrik Sverdrup, 1890.
Political Parties in the Pacific Islands. / : Edited by Roland Rich, Luke Hambly and Michael G. Morgan.
- Canberra : ANU E Press, The Australian National University, 2006 ; 2008.

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