William Ladd, Swarthmore College Peace Collection

Ladd, William

F. 1778 D. 1841
Amerikansk præst, pacifist og borgerrettighedsforkæmper, Philantropos, The Apostle of Peace / Fredsapostlen. Arbejder omkring 1801 i Florida med at frigive slaver. Handelsmand i Georgia, hvor Ladd tjener en mindre formue. Ophører med at sejle som kaptajn i handelsflåden på grund af krigen i 1812. Efterfølgende godsejer i New England. Taler den 4. juli 1814 om “religion, virtue and knowledge shall rule and the Empire of Peace shall be established”. Året efter er Ladd stiftende medlem af Massachussets Peace Society. William Ladd begynder udgivelsen af de første “Essays on Peace and War”, i avisen the Christian Mirror i Portland, Maine, i juli 1823. Disse artikler udgives i en antologi i 1825. Samme år anmelder Ladd Commodore Porters “Journal of a Voyage in the Pacific Ocean in the United States Frigate, Essex”. I anmeldelsen kritiseres så vel krigshandel som slavehandlen.

Også i 1825 kritiseres opstillelsen af krigsmindesmærket ved Bunker Hill, fordi “future generations will look upon the column as a monument of the barbarism and anti-Christian spirit of our age”.

William Ladd grundlægger og leder the American Peace Society og dets første tidsskrift “Harbinger of Peace” fra 1828 til sin død. I 1839 argumenterer Ladd som en af de første i USA for et international tribunal til at løse mellemfolkelige konflikter. Ved siden af skribentvirksomheden var William Ladd en flittig foredragsholder. Arkiv: William Ladd Papers, National Society of the Colonial Dames in the State of New Hampshire, MS017, on deposit at the Portsmouth Athenauem. http://www.portsmouthathenaeum.org/findingaids/ms017.htm


Burritt, Elihu: Willian Ladd : “The Apostle of Peace”.
- New Vienna, Ohio : Peace Association of Friends in America, 1873. - 16 s.
Hemenway, John : Memoir of William Ladd with an introduction by Elihu Burritt, 1872.
Ladd, William: An Essay on a Congress of Nations : Reprinted from the original edition of 1840 with an introduction by James Brown Scott. New York : Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1916.
Ladd, William: Annals of Bakerstown, Vol. 2 (First Series).
Ladd, William: Essays on peace & war, which first appeared in the Christian Mirror, printed at Portland, Maine. Now revised and corrected by the author. - Portland, 1825 ; 1827. - 147 s. Se også:
Ladd, William: The Essays of Philantropos.
- Exeter : J. T. Burham in behalf of the Exeter, and other Peace Societies, 1827. - 173 s.
Ladd, William: The French Soldier. 1831?
Ladd, William: History of Alexander the Great. 1832?
Ladd, William: Howard and Napoleon Contrasted. 1831?
Ladd, William: Letters from an American. - London : [1837] 63 s.
Ladd, William: Obstacles and Objections to the Cause of Peace. 1838?.
Ladd, William: On the Duty of Woman to Promote the Cause of Peace.
- Boston : The American Peace Society, 1836. - 48 s. [Haves: Statsbiblioteket.]
Ladd, William: An Oration pronounced at Minot, Maine, on the Fourth day of July, 1814.
Ladd, William: A solemn appeal to Christians in favor of the cause of pernament and universal peace. - Boston : The American Peace Society, 1836. - 38 s.
Ladd, William: Reflections on War. The Minot Peace Society. 1830.
Ladd, William: The Sword or Christmas Presents. 1830?
Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations, together with a Sixth Essay.
- Boston : The American Peace Society, 1840.
Witham Penney, John : Captain William Ladd : The Apostle of Peace,

Se på Internettet: WIlliam Ladd: The apostle of peace 1778-1841 - WIlliam Ladd, Sometime of Minot, Maine: THE APOSTLE OF PEACE 1778-1841 By George C. Wing, Jr.Printed in Sprague's Journal of Maine History Vol. XI. APRIL, MAY, JUNE No. 2

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