
Kul er en giftig bjergart af bundfald af sammenpressede døde dyr og planterester der er kemisk ændret og metamorfoseret af varme og tryk over geologisk tid Kul består af kulstof med variable mængder af andre grundstoffer; hovedsageligt brint, svovl, oxygen og nitrogen.
Kul er traditionelt og industrielt blevet benyttet som fossilt brændstof.
Anvendelse af kul til fremstilling af varme og energi påvirker drivhuseffekten og forurening af atmosfæren og grundvand.
Kulproducerende lande fremgår bl.a. af: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2015.
Coal’s Poisonous Legacy : Groundwater Contaminated by Coal Ash Across the U.S.
/ : Abel Russ, Courtney Bernhardt et al. the Environmental Integrity Project. 2019.
Coal contains a long list of toxic chemicals, including arsenic, radium, and other carcinogens, several metals that can impair children’s developing brains, and multiple chemicals that are toxic to aquatic life. When coal is burned to produce electricity, these toxic chemicals become concentrated in the waste product – coal ash.
Se også: Antracit – eller Antracitkul ; blodkul. ; brunkul ; Den Europæiske Kul-Organisation ; Det Europæiske Kul- og Stålfællesskab (EKSF) eller Kul- og Stålunionen ; Fragtnævnet af 1917 ; koks ; kulstof ; kuldioxid CO2 ; stenkul ; trækul ; tørv ; World Coal Association.


Boom and Bust 2019 : Tracking the Global Coal Plant Pipeline. / : Christine Sheareret al.
Global Energy Monitor,Greenpeace, Environmental Trust, and Sierra Club, 2019.
Coal. / : The U.S. Energy Information Administration.
- https://www.eia.gov/coal/
The Coal Resource: a Comprehensive Overview of Coal. / : World Coal Institute 2005.
Coal is one of the world’s most important sources of energy, fuelling almost 40% of electricity worldwide. In many countries this figure is much higher: Poland relies on coal for over 94% of its electricity; South Africa for 92%; China for 77%; and Australia for 76%.
Coal has been the world’s fastest growing energy source in recent years – faster than gas, oil, nuclear, hydro and renewables.
DONG fortsætter kontroversiel kulimport fra Colombia: Danske kraftværker brænder stadig kul fra et mineselskab i Colombia, der kædes sammen med drab på tusindvis af civile. DONG mener, at selskabet har forbedret sig. / : Margit Lundø Jensen et al. I: Information, 2. januar 2016.
Europe's dark cloud : How coal-burning countries are making their neighbours sick. / : Dave Jones et al. CAN Europe, HEAL, WWF European Policy Office, Sandbag, 2016.
From hero to zero: Peabody Energy Corp. / : Inês Rocha, José Maria Antunes, Maria Coutinho.
- London : The Ecconomist, Case Study Competition 2015.
FEP - School of Economics and Management, University of Porto.
- https://www.economist.com/sites/default/files/case_resolution_fictconsulting.pdf
Kullene der finansierer undertrykkelse: I Colombia er kul brændstof i en blodig konflikt. For eksperter på området er der ingen tvivl om, at DONGs lokale kulleverandør samarbejder med paramilitære styrker. Spørgsmålet er, om DONG skal stoppe med at købe colombiansk kul eller presse på for forbedrede forhold. / : Margit Lundø Jensen et al. I: Information, 2. januar 2016.
Leder: Polsk kul & flæsk. I: Information, 22. juni 2019.
More coal equals more poverty: Transforming our world through renewable energy. / : Oxfam Australia, 2017.
The true cost of burning more coal will be measured in humanitarian disasters, hunger, health impacts and the violation of rights. Burning coal remains the single biggest contributor to climate change. While climate change affects us all, it is poor populations in developing countries who are impacted hardest — the same communities who have contributed the least to global carbon pollution and have fewer resources with which to adapt.
The negative impacts of coal go beyond its contribution to climate change. Burning coal is also a deadly source of air pollution and responsible for hundreds of thousands of premature deaths. Often, coalmines themselves displace local communities from their land and homes and deplete or contaminate scarce water supplies.
Unfortunately, recognition of the immense toll of coal and climate change on communities worldwide has been largely absent from the current battle over climate and energy policy in Australia. In this section, we explore the true cost of coal on human lives across the world, with more coal equalling more poverty.

Pensonskunder stemmer ja til at droppe invisteringer i kul: Tirsdag aften vedtog et flertal på Arkitekternes Pensionskasses generalforsamling et forslag om at afvikle invisteringer i kul og særligt risikable olie- og gasprojekter. / : Lasse Skou Andersen ; Jesper Løvenbalk Hansen. I: Information, 04/16/2015.

Verdens største kulselskab er ved at gå fallit : På ét år har Peabody Energy, den største private kulproducent i verden, tabt 98 pct. af sin markedsværdi og er nu ikke mere i stand til at betale renterne på sin milliardgæld. Om mindre end en måned kan det være slut. / : Jørgen Steen Nielsen. I: Information, 4. marts 2016.

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