
Tiden mellem solens opgang og nedgang, hvor der er dagslys.
Dagen omfatter også en del af natten:
Cirka 24 timer, den tid jorden drejer om sin akse.
The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (Bureau international des poids et mesures) definerer dag som 86,400 sekunder.
Dage inddeles i perioder som morgen, formiddag, middag, eftermiddag, aften, nat og midnat.
En dansksommerdag er, meteriologisk set, en dag, hvor temperaturen er over 25 grader.
En badedag er det, når vandtemperaturen er over 10 grader.
Også tidsangivelse eksempelvis alle vore dage, levetid.
Sommersolhverv, 21. juni, er årets længste dag.
Se også: Aposteldag ; bededage ; begravelsesdage ; dagbog ; dagblad ; dagbøde ; dagcenter ; daginstitution ; daglejer ; dagpenge ; dagrenovotion ; dagsorden ; datere, datering ; dato ; diplomatik ; døgnrytme ; fredsdag ; fridag ; fødselsdag ; gammeldags ; helligdag ; hverdag ; hviledag ; isdøgn : kalender ; kutymefridage ; lukkedag ; mærkedage ; US Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command ; navnedag ; omsorgsdage ; oktav ; skiftedag ; søgnedag ; tamperdag ; tusmørke ; tørkedøgn ; ugedag ; årle ; årsdag.


Dagens dont : gennem årtusinderne : historien om arbejdsbilledet. / : R. Broby-Johansen. Fremad, 1969.
Holiday symbols and customs : a guide to the legend and lore behind the traditions, rituals, foods, games, animals, and other symbols and activities associated with holidays and holy days, feasts and fasts, and other celebrations, covering ancient, calendar, religious, historic, folkloric, national, promotional, and sporting events, as observed in the United States and around the world. -- 4th ed. / edited by Helene Henderson. 2009 . - 1348 s.. Rev. ed. of: Holiday symbols and customs / by Sue Ellen Thompson. 3rd ed..
Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary: "Describes the origins of 323 holidays around the world. Explains where, when, and how each event is celebrated, with detailed information on the symbols and customs associated with the holiday. Includes contact information and web sites for related organizations"-- Provided by publisher. - ISBN 978-0-7808-0990-1
- http://archive.org/details/HeleneHenderson-HolidaySymbolsAndCustoms4thEdition
Gulevich, Tanya: Encyclopedia of Christmas and New Year’s celebrations : over 240 alphabetically arranged entries covering Christmas, New Year’s, and related days of observance, including folk and religious customs, history, legends, and symbols from around the world / Tanya Gulevich ; illustrated by Mary Ann Stavros-Lanning. 2003. - 1004 s. Rev. ed. of: Encyclopedia of Christmas. 2000. Includes bibliographical references and index. - ISBN 0-7808-0625-5
- http://archive.org/details/TanyaGulevich-EncyclopediaOfChristmasNewYearsCelebrations2nd

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