Burritt, Elihu

F. 1810 D. 1879
Amerikansk smed, frihandelsforkæmper og pacifist, fredsapostel, kaldet den lærde smed.
Omfattende autodidakte sprogstudier havde givet Elihu Burritt interesse for fredssagen. Før Burritt var 30 år gammel kunne han oversætte 30 sprog og da han døde kunne han oversætte 100 sprog. Burritt udgav tidssskrifterne “Literary Geminæ” 1839-1840, “The Christian Citizen” 1844, “The Advocate of peace and universal Brotherhood” 1846, “The Bond of Brotherhood”, “Burritt’s citizen of the world” 1855 og, “The North and the South, and New Britain Journal” 1857-1859. The Christian Citizen var et pacifistisk tidsskrift, som også var imod slaveri. Burritt udgav også pjeceserien “Olive Leaves for the People”, som oversættes til flere europæiske sprog, herunder dansk, eksempelvis “Et par Ord om Krig til Drenge”1.
Elihu Burritt var medlem af the American Peace Society indtil 1846, hvor han efter en tabt diskussion om holdningen til dødsstraf, trækker sig ud af foreningen og grundlægger the League of Universal Brotherhood. Elihu Burritt var initiativtager til de internationale fredskongresser i 1848, 1849 og 1850. Elihu Burritt, Joseph Sturge og Frederick Wheeler mægler i konflikten mellem Slesvig-Holsten og Danmark i 1850. Æresdoktor ved Yale University 1874. Elihu Burritt Memorial i New York og Elihu Burritt Library i New Britain, Connecticut, er opkaldt efter ham.
Arkiver: Elihu Burritt Archives og Swarthmore.


Se: - http://archive.org/search.php?query=Elihu%20Burritt
Burritt, Elihu: Bond of Brotherhood. - London : 1848.
Burritt, Elihu: Chips from many blocks. - Toronto : Rose-Bedford, 1878. - 294 s.
Burritt, Elihu: A Congress of Nations : Addresses at the International Peace Congresses at Brussels (l848), Paris (1849), and Frankfort (l850). - Boston : Directors of the Old South Work, l904. - 24 s. ; (Old South Leaflets), [General series, v. 6) no. l46]. [Haves Nobelinstituttets Bibliotek].
Burritt, Elihu: Illustrations of the law of kindness, original and selected. - Worcester : the League of Universal Brotherhood, 1851. - 32 s.
Burritt, Elihu: Lectures and Speeches. 1869.
Burritt, Elihu: A plan of brotherly copartnership of the North and South, for the peaceful extincion of slavery. - New York : Dayton and Burdick, 1856. - 48 s.
Report of the Proceedings of the Second General Peace Congress Held in Paris on ;the 22nd, 23rd August 1849 (1849). / : Henry Richard, Elihu Burritt, Peace Congress , 2d, Paris, 1849 - http://archive.org/details/reportproceedin02goog
Burritt, Elihu: Sparks from the Avvil. - Worchester : H. J. Howland, 1846. - 127 s.
Burritt, Elihu: Ten-minute talks on all sorts of topics (1874).
- http://archive.org/details/tenminutetalkson00burr
Burritt, Elihu: A word to boys abot war. - London : Peace Society, 2 s. [Haves Nobelinstituttets Bibliotek].
Burritt, Elihu: Workers’ Strike Against War. 1855
Burritt, Elihu: A Walk from London to John O'Groat's. [1864].
- http://archive.org/details/awalkfromlondont12000gut
Burritt, Elihu: Works, I-III. - London : Indeholder: Sparks from the Avvil 1839-1848. - 106 s.; Voice from the forge 1848. 131 s. ; Peace papers for the people. 144 s. [Haves Nobelinstituttets Bibliotek].
Burritt, Elihu: The Year-book of the nations, for 1855. - London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longman, 1855.
Curti, Merle: The learned blacksmith : The Letters and Journals of Elihu Burritt. - New York : 1937 ; 1972.
Elihu Burritt : A memorial volume containing a sketch of his life and labors, with selections from his writings and lectrues and extracts from his journals in Europa and America. - New York : D. Appelton & company, 1878. - 479 s.
Liberty chimes (1845) /: Ladies' anti-slavery society, Providence.
- http://archive.org/details/libertychimes00ladi
'Free speech, by N. P. Rogers. - Reform, by Wendell Phillips. - The American union, by Adin Ballou. - The nation's destiny, by A. H. Price. - What can a woman do? by Richard Hildreth. - The reception of slave holders at the north, by G. W. Stacey. - Treason! by C. K. Whipple. - The bond-woman's prayer, by Eliza Storr. - Is christianity, the religion of peace, adapted to this world? by S. E. Cones. - The pledge and prospect of peace, by Elihu Burritt. - The contrast, by J. R. Lowell. - Self reliance, by H. Clapp, jr. - A thought upon emancipation (anon.) - The slave-wife, by Frances H. Green. - The slave-mother, by S. L. L. - A letter, by John Brown. - Lines written in November, by Sarah H. Whitman. - Ahmed's letters, from "The Kosmian." - The golden ball, by Sarah H. Whitman'.
Principles and measures of true Democracy. The address of the Southern and Western Liberty Convention, held at Cincinnati, June 11, 1845, to the people of the United States; also, the letter of Elihu Burritt to the convention (1845).
- http://archive.org/details/principlesmeasur00sout
En Sejr uden Brug af Magt. I: Freds-Varden, 1931:2 s. 31-32.
(Civil ulydighed i Hawaii i 1830'erne, berettet af Elihu Burritt).
Tolls, Peter. Elihu Burritt : Crusader for Brotherhood. - Hamden, Conn. : Archon, 1968.


1 1906. Faas hos Ch. Worm Bech, Vodrofvej 17, København V. [Haves Det kongelige Bibliotek].

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