Poster to the Danish Peace Academy Carsten Rütting Schweitz.

The Danish Peace Academy

In English and late news

Avery, John Scales: Targeting Civilians

Altes, Edy Korthals: Issues of Peace, Security and Economics, Seen from a Christian Perspective.

McCarthy, Kieren: 2005: The year the US government undermined the internet.

US State Department: U.S. Has Spent More than $1 Billion Dollars on Land Mine Removal.
December 19, 2005.

Elkjaer, Bo: The lies of the war - the war of the lies.
Bo Elkjær's account of the lies behind Denmark's participation in the invasion of Iraq.
Esktra Bladet, 2003 / The Danish Peace Academy 2005

History/Archives Community Rally to Assist in Katrina Aftermath
NCH Washington Update (vol. 11, #34; 9 September 2005)

Hoodbhoy, Pervez : Bin Laden And Hiroshima.

Kumar, Ravindra: Social Organizations: Cultural and Moral Values.

Kumar, Ravindra: Reverence for All Life: A Move Towards Cosmic Consciouness.

Kumar, Ravindra: Mahatma Gandhi: Ramayana and Justice.

Kumar, Ravindra: Gandhi: An Embodiment of Indian Cultural Heritage.

Kumar, Ravindra: Mahatma Gandhi on Problem of Communalism.

Kumar, Ravindra: Fundamental Principles of Civilization.

Kumar, Ravindra: Gandhi, Non-violence and Democracy with Special Reference to India.

Kumar, Ravindra: Indian View of Peace: With Special Reference to Buddha & Gandhi

Avery, John: Book Review: “Soldiers in the Laboratory”, by Chris Langley - April 26, 2005.

Chabarek, Peter: Bringing The War Back Home.

Wittner, Lawrence S.: George Bush's Addiction to Nuclear Weapons.

Avery, John: Ted Turner Protests Against the Death of Democracy.

32 Nobels Appeal on Nuclear Weapons Operating Status.

Wittner, Lawrence S.: Does the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Have a Future?

Avery, John: The illegality of nuclear weapons. March, 17, 2005.

Isenberg, David: Pentagon's mini-nukes are just too cute, February 17, 2005.

Miller, Claus: Sign for peace. February 2005.

Lee, Anne: Response to UK Ministry of Defence Report 16 june 2003
Upgrade to RAF Fylingdales Early Warning Radar: Enviromental
and Land Use Report
, January 2005.

Avery, John: Space-Age Science and Stone-Age Politics. 2004.

Avery, John: The Overlooked Threat of Nuclear Weapons.

Mohandas Gandhi and Nordic countries - Personal letters to and from from Mohandas, Mahatma, Gandhi to Scandinavians on the philosophy of freedom, the liberation of India, nonviolence and Christianity. Including new, never before published letters found in archives in Scandinavia and India.

Lowe, Martyn: Sybil Morrison.

Hansen, Peter Mikael: The history of conscription
and conscientious objection in Denmark

Denmark sign Joint Strike Fighter agreement.

Jonassen, Hagbard: Resistance in Denmark during WW2.

Singer, Kurt D.: Autobiography.

The treaty against star wars - Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, Entered into force October 10, 1967:

Article IV

States Parties to the Treaty undertake not to place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies, or station such weapons in outer space in any other manner.

The Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all States Parties to the Treaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapons and the conduct of military maneuvers on celestial bodies shall be forbidden. The use of military personnel for scientific research or for any other peaceful purposes shall not be prohibited. The use of any equipment or facility necessary for peaceful exploration of the Moon and other celestial bodies shall also not be prohibited.

Singer, Kurt: Letter from California : October 19, 2001

Singer, Kurt: Addendum to 1935 Carl von Ossietzky biography.

Bartolf, Christian: Leo Tolstoy's legacy for mankind: a manifesto for nonviolence.

Annotated list of Taking Action for Peace: some recently updated Peace Movement Website - A short briefing by librarian Martyn Lowe.

As the Danish militarism has grown since the fall of the Berlin Wall, peace education has vanished from Danish schools. At the same time there is a growing need for peace education on all levels in the educational system. Students as well as educated persons write to us, asking for help and advise on peace related topics.

Since there are few people in the Danish peace movements I have come upon the idea of making an Internet based Danish Peace Academy. Thus we save the money for renting and can in some ways automatize some of the work. The basic idea is to get some peace and war related lessons written to the students and teachers where they, while learning about peace and war, also learn to use the Internet. To aid the lessons there have been developed databases and reference tools, mostly, at the present, by me, I'm afraid, but new lessons are beginning to arrive in the Peace Academy.

November 2000 we established a working group which is evaluating the Peace Academy.


Faq in English.

The Danish Peace Academy.