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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 29. Juni 2012 / Time Line June 29, 2012

Version 3.0

28. Juni 2012, 30. Juni 2012

Largest Demonstrations in Half a Century Protest the Restart of Japanese Nuclear Power Plants
Piers Williamson, The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol 10, Issue 27, No. 5, July 2, 2012
On 29 June, Japan witnessed its largest public protest since the 1960s. This was the latest in a series of Friday night gatherings outside Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko’s official residence. Well over one hundred thousand people came together to vent their anger at his 16 June decision to order a restart of Units 3 and 4 at the Oi nuclear plant in Fukui Prefecture....

Veterans For Peace Members Arrested Protesting Drones
Elliott Adams and Nate Lewis, two members of Veterans For Peace, were part of a larger group of 15 activists arrested Thursday at the gate to Hancock Airbase in Syracuse, N.Y., where they held large banners and signs protesting drones for three hours before they were arrested.
One banner showed images of children killed by U.S. drones in Afghanistan. Another showed a reaper drone and the grim reaper. Another quoted Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream" and Barack Obama "I have a drone."



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