Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 28. Juni 2012 / Time Line June 28, 2012

Version 3.0

27. Juni 2012, 29. Juni 2012

Nuclear Weapons Abolition Day grundlagt af Mayors for Peace 2003.

South Sudan: Arms supplies fuelling violations in forgotten conflict
Amnesty International’s briefing
Overshadowed Conflict, Arms supplies fuel violations in Mayom County, Unity State, examines the impact of irresponsible supplies and misuse of weapons, munitions and armaments resulting in civilian casualties and thousands of people being displaced.
Scores of people have been killed or injured, had their homes destroyed, or have been forced to flee due to indiscriminate attacks on civilian areas by the South Sudanese Armed Forces, known as the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) and the armed opposition group, the South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA), in Mayom County, in South Sudan’s Unity State in 2010 and 2011.
Ahead of the first anniversary of South Sudan’s independence and just days before the world’s governments gather for the crucial Arms Trade Treaty negotiations at the UN in New York, Amnesty International calls for a strong and robust treaty with rules to end irresponsible arms transfers to those likely to use them for serious violations of human rights and war crimes.

Heritage sites in northern Mali placed on List of World Heritage in Danger
The World Heritage Committee on Thursday accepted the request of the government of Mali to place Timbuktu and the Tomb of Askia on UNESCO’s List of World Heritage in Danger. The decision aims to raise cooperation and support for the sites threatened by the armed conflict in the region.
The Committee, meeting in St Petersburg until 6 July, also asked Mali’s neighbours to do all in their power to prevent the trafficking in cultural objects from these sites. There is concern that such objects, notably important ancient manuscripts, be looted and smuggled abroad by unscrupulous dealers.
The 21 members of the World Heritage Committee urged the African Union and the international community to do all in their power to help protect Timbuktu, inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage in 1988, and the Tomb of Askia, inscribed in 2004, writes UNESCO.



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