Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 9. Juli 2012 / Time Line July 9, 2012

Version 3.0

8. Juli 2012, 10. Juli 2012

Bertrand Russell

Russell- Einstein, appellen mod kernevåben offentliggøres, 1955.
Litteratur: Wittner, Lawrence S.: Einstein, Russell, and the Bomb: The 50th Anniversary.

Victims of Obama's drone campaign of mass murder take US to court
Shahzad Akbar, Anti-Drone Attorney takes the US to court in Pakistan over the drone attacks representing Pakistani (13 lawsuits, 71 families) as reported by NBC reporter Amna Nawaz.
An estimated 3000 Pakistanis have been killed since 2004 by US drone attacks. Obama's administration says no civilians are now being killed, only "militants". So why are Pakistani villagers taking the United States to court?



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