Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 11. Juli 2008 / Time Line July 11, 2008

Version 3.5

10. Juli 2008, 12. Juli 2008

Motorcycle, Vehicle Accidents Dominate Off-Duty Summer Fatalities
By Donna Miles
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2008 - Midway through the "101 Critical Days of Summer," 50 servicemembers have died in off-duty accidents, three-quarters of them in motor vehicles and half on motorcycles, defense officials reported.
The 101 Critical Days of Summer refers to the period between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day that typically sees a spike in vehicle and recreational accidents. "It's the time when more people get outside and enjoy off-duty activities and more people are traveling," said John Seibert, the Defense Department's assistant for safety, health and fire. "But unfortunately, it's also a time when we see more accidents."



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