Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 31. januar 2008 / Time Line January 31, 2008

Version 3.5

30. Januar 2008, Februar 2008

Kvindesagsforkæmperen og pacifisten Ellen Hørups fødselsdag, 1871.

Peace Movements in the Cold War and Beyond : An International Conference
31 January – 2 February 2008
London, UK
The Cold War Studies Centre (CWSC) at the London School of Economics (LSE) together with the Centre for the Study of Global Governance (LSE) and Free University of Amsterdam are requesting support to host an international conference entitled ‘Peace Movements in the Cold War and Beyond’. This conference will take place from 31 January to 2 February 2008 at the LSE in London, UK.
The role and impact of citizen movements in both East and West is important not only for the depth it provides to the historical records of the Cold War, but also because it exposes the impact and significance of civil society in the resolution of conflicts more generally. It challenges the belief in the utility of ‘traditional’ military buildups and coercive pressure.
In the second half of the 20th century, imperial control was balanced and unbalanced at the same time. It was balanced in Europe but heavily challenged in Vietnam (US intervention), Afghanistan (Soviet invasion) and the Middle East (Israel-Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq) Weapons of mass destruction, sectarian and ethnic conflicts as well as local and international terrorism were among the main features of the struggle against imperial control. Last but not least, peace and human rights movements played a crucial role, in particular in Europe. This is the history of the Cold War.
The conference will bring together a unique combination of scholars as well as notable public and political figures, journalists, academics and post-graduate students, to discuss the significance of the peace movements during the Cold War era and today. The conference will coincide with the launch of the European Nuclear Disarmament (END) Archive which will be bequeathed to the CWSC and made accessible in the LSE library.



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